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Chapter twelve

Sittin' there by the water

"You look, wow." James said as he showed up at Monroes dorm later that night to picker her up for this 'date'.

She wore a plaid green and black skirt with a white top and a dark green cardigan, "Close your mouth Potter, you'll catch firefly's." She said as she grabbed her wand from her bedside table, "where we going at ten o'clock at night with no one around?"

James shrugged as he led her quietly out of the dungeons where the Slytherin dormitory's where, "You'll have to wait and see, darling."

"Lumos." He muttered as the orb of light began Emil from the tip of his wand, making it able for the two to navigate their way around the halls in the dark night.

"A picnic at the black lake? Thought this date was a ruse for you and your minions to kill me, been practicing my hexes all day." Monroe said as James led her to the blanked he'd placed on the ground.

James let out a small laugh as he sat across from her a started grabbing a drinks, "Do you want, water or water?"

"Y'know what I might just take some water."

"Excellent choice." James said as he threw a bottle at her, "Wow Potter thought now that you fancied me you'd stop the abuse."

"Never," James began, "Y'see I find it ever so joyful, to piss you off."

Monroe shrugged, "Not a very hard accomplishment, I've got what some might say a short temper." She said making James laugh as he pulled out various vanilla and strawberry cakes.

"Now y'see I've never done a picnic before so I though I'd ask marvel want food you like and he gave me about seven boxes full of cake, so we've got some options." James said as Monroe crossed her legs.

"I'm not very hungry at the moment." Monroe said nervously, though after years of hiding her emotions, she didn't come across it.

James looked at her strangely, "Oh. That's alright, I'll just leave these here and if you want them help yourself."

Monroe smiled in thanks before clearing her throat and saying, "I've only ever been in dates with narcissistic Slytherin boys who care about nothing but themselves, so I have no clue what to say, or do."

James laughed with a smile, "That's alright, darling. All you need to do is make conversation."

"Well, can we please talk about that ginger who cornered me in the bathroom today and threatened me."

James started laughing loudly, choking on the water he had in his mouth, "Lily cornered you, why? And what happened to her?"

Monroe shrugged innocently, "I was washing my hands and she comes up to me right, and she'd like y' ded to learn what's yours and not take whats others, so I locked her in the stall with Moaning Myrtle and nicked everything I liked from her bag."

James just looked at her with a small smile, "Classic Taylor."

"You better mean that in a good way because you're the one who asked me on a date not the other way round so, I will fight you."

"I'd like to see you try."

She scoffed, "C'mon Potter, we both know I could fuck you up." James looks at her seriously, "If I may repeat myself, I'd like to see you try."

She couldn't help the tint grin from forming on her lips, "Y'know what James?"

"What, darling."

"I'd be able to take you slot more seriously if you didn't have icing on your nose." She said as the smile grew wiped as he rubbed his nose, just smearing it around his face.

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