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Chapter ten

Say we'll meet again

The two sat there in silence, Monroe having her hands wrapped around a warm cup of pumpkin tea that Marvel had made for her.

"You're waisting your ten minutes Potter." She said as she took a sip of her drink and looked at the boy who was just tracing his finger around the rim of his mug.

"Well okay then," he began sitting up straight in his seat, "I'm sorry. For acting like an arse for the past six years, for being an utter arsehole to you during detention yesterday, I'm really fucking sorry Monroe."

She let the words sink in, she liked when he said her name, the way it rolled off of his tongue with such ease and smoothness.

"You've said sorry, can I go now?" She asked as she acted like his words didn't have a tingly affect on her, like James Potter was making her come out of her shell.

The Gryffindor boy smiled and shook his head, "No, sorry darling I've still got," he glanced down at his wrist watch, "Seven and a half minutes."

"What do you want to do then, sit here in silence." She asked as she finished that last of her tea.

James was silent for a second, this was his chance, she was calm, at ease in his presence for once, so he cleared his throat and said, "I've got an idea, but you can't speak until I'm completely finished, okay?"

The girl nodded sceptically as Marvel placed a glass of water in front of her, as James said, "Over the the past few week's I've realised you're not a complete arsehole and you're an actual human being. A human being capable of showing and feeling emotions. So I was wondering, if we could start over and I could take you out? Just us, no Sirius or Alexandra, like a date."

Monroe looked at him for a second before saying, "You're serious?"

James nodded, "As serious as one can me. What'd you say Taylor, start over."

"I need to say something first," Monroe said, hating how much she was liking the idea, making James nod, "if this happens, and it goes somewhere, I've got a lot of fucking issues, and I get really pissed off over little things. And I hate all of your friends except Remus, and we're sworn enemies in the eyes of everyone else in this whole castle. So if we did do this, no one could know, so no Hogsmead trips, no being all fucking disgusting. And I thought you was fucking that ginger."

James smirked, "You love to focus on the bad news don't you, darling? And me and Lily fucked once last year, and she thinks we're going somewhere. Everyone can still think we're enemies, no one has't to know if you don't want them to, and we don't have to go to Hogsmead, we can go somewhere quite, like that black lake at night, and all my friends hate you except Remus, so there's your solution."

She fiddled with the bracelet Will had gotten her for her birthday on her wrist, a snake charm placed in the middle of the dainty chain, "If I say yes, and it becomes something real James, swear you won't just up and leave." She said as she looked up at him.

The boy gulped and said, "I swear." He did feel a pang of guilt for lying but that's not the point, the bet was finally getting somewhere he wasn't going to stop because of a little guilt.

"I'm Monroe Taylor good to meet you." She said holding out her hand as James smiled and shook it and said, "James Potter, lovely to meet you darling."

"So when and where are we going out, and just a warning if you fuck up the first date you won't get a second."

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