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Chapter Twenty

Bad blood

"No!" Marlene McKinnon yelled in shock as Lily informed her of something the day after the party in the Gryffindor common room.

"Yes Marls!" She said as she paced up and down, "Monroe Taylor and James fucking! Like I don't even know, affectionately, like he wouldn't go out with me because of that bimbo with the ugly eyes!"

"Y'know what you have to do right?" Marlene question making Lily shrug.

"You tell Monroe about the bet, then you tell the school about the relationship."

Lily smirked, "Merlin, Marls you're a genius."


"It's gonna be okay Will hmm?" Monroe said as she helped him fix his tie the next day, the blonde boy shaking.

"Will you be here when I come back?" William asked through teary eyes, "when I've spoken one on one with the dark lord himself."

"Trust me Will." She began, "the only thing that would get me to leave you is if you came back with a dark mark."

William nodded and pulled her into a bone crushing hug, "I love you Hugo, you'll be okay, I promise."

"I love you too Dahlia."


Monroe had stayed pacing her room all night, waiting for James arrival, the boy promising to be there, knowing she needed company, just not knowing exactly why.

After half an hour, she gave up, deciding to just make her way to the astronomy tower for some much needed fresh air.

she breathed in the crisp air of the cold night as she wrapped James' hoodie tighter around her, the girl thinking one would be awake.

But she was wrong when she felt a presence behind her, the girl turning to be met with the red heater of none other than Lily Evans.

"Fuck of carrots, I'm not in the mood." She said as she turned back around.

"Oh but I think you will be when you here what I have to say," she said as she walked closer.

"Really? I don't."

"Even if it involves James?" The red head said, making Monroe freeze and look at the girl that now leant against the railing beside her, "thought that would change your mind."

"What's wrong with James." Monroe asked, not in the mood for the girl antics.

"Oh nothing," she said looking at her nails, "except for the fact that your whole relationship is a lie."

"How the fuck do you know and what are you in about?" Monroe asked, annoyed.

"You're wearing his quidditch hoodie, not hard to guess, and he and Sirius made a bed that if he could get you to fuck him, Sirius pays him, if not, James does his homework." The girl said with a shrug.

"And why would a believe a word that come out of your mouth?" Monroe asked with a glare even though her mind was running a million miles an hour.

"Do or don't, doesn't bother me, toodles." She said as she walked off, Monroe wanting a moment alone with her thoughts but she didn't get it as she heard heavy footsteps a few minutes later before a very recognisable vice said, "Monnie?"

" She said as she walked off, Monroe wanting a moment alone with her thoughts but she didn't get it as she heard heavy footsteps a few minutes later before a very recognisable vice said, "Monnie?"

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69 days till 1989 (Taylor's Version)!

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