Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm going off as I looked at the time seeing it's one in the afternoon and it's Saturday and tomorrow was the day that I moved to Forks Washington. I slowly lay up stretching as my door opens up seeing my aunt Jenna. "Time to get up kiddo Elena is ready to take you to the fair today it's your last day and Jeremy is already gone!" She says walking away as I groan getting up and heads to the bathroom getting undressed and gets into the shower washing her body and hair.

Once I was finished I got out wrapping the towel around myself and walked into my room seeing Damon and Stefan with Elena. "Really guys I'm naked." I said, sighing as I got out my clothes. "I mean you can change in front of me or stay naked. It works also." Damon said, smirking at me as I rolled my eyes Elena smacks his arm and grabs my hand leading me to the bathroom. "Hurry we are gonna run late, they are driving us to the fair!" She says as I giggle nodding and shuts my bathroom door getting dressed.

(What she's wearing)

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(What she's wearing)

Once I was fully dressed I walked out and grabbed my bag that had my books inside to read. "Let's go!" I said as we all walked out of my room going out to the car. "Do you really have to move away?" Elena asks, looking at me as I nod slowly. "I wanna go have a normal life away from all the drama and killings but I also wanna find my real family…" I said getting into the back seat as Elena sits next to me as Damon got into the front seat and Stefan in the passenger side. "But Lily, you can do that from here." Damon says sighing as he starts driving to the fair.

"Guys I'll be fine really." I said leaning back in the seat looking out the window. "I just can't believe you overslept." Stefan says chuckling as I giggle a bit and look at them. "It's not my fault I stayed up all night reading." I said as Elena nodded her head. "Know anything about your real parents?" She asks as I think and shrugs. "All I know is that I have a twin sister and that my father is a chief at a police station. That's all Bonnie was able to tell me with her magic powers." I said giggling as I sat there seeing the fair coming into view excited to hangout with all of them before I had to leave them all.

Once we got there and parked I got out of the car and saw Bonnie and Caroline as I ran over and hugged them as Elena followed holding Stefan's hand. "Hey! So I made you something! Damon and Stefan also helped. It's a ring that can stop vampires from controlling you and stop their powers so they can't use it on you." Bonnie says glaring at Damon as he smirks at her. She rolls her eyes and puts the ring on my finger. "Thanks Bonnie and you two also!" I said looking at the ring happily as we went to ride the rides and have fun.

Alice Pov

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Alice Pov

I was walking down the stairs to Jasper and looked at them all. I smiled softly. "What is going on?" I asked, hugging Jasper. "Just discussing the baseball game that will happen in a few weeks." Jasper says kissing my forehead as I nod while walking but stops as I had a vision of a beautiful girl moving to Forks seeing another vision of her cuddling with us but it stopped too fast as I shake my head once I hear Jasper trying to get my attention. "S-sorry Jas I had a vision of our mate. She's so beautiful and she's coming Saturday but…I can't see any more after seeing her cuddling us." I said, sighing shock as Jasper rubs my arm softly.

Carlisle looks at them all and nods listening. "Okay well we will see what happens you guys most likely will have class with her so just let me know." He says as I nod my head and smiles going over to them and sits down listening to our plans that we would make.

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