Chapter 27

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I spent most of the day eating my food and cuddling with Jasper and Emmett as me and him were playing video games. I was glad he brought it here. I can finally kick his ass on the game. "What the hell you won!!" Emmett says shocked as I laughed watching him.

"Awww I'm sorry for winning." I said as Jasper chuckled seeing Emmett pouting. "Darling I think you broke him." He said as I laughed nodding my head. Bella has been calling me all day. I guess I really pissed her off by smacking her but I could care less she's put me through so much hell.

I yawned softly laying there. "Bella keeps calling darling." Jasper says as I shrug my shoulders. "Oh well she's a jerk and hurts me all the time she's just mad that I smacked her and stood up for myself…" I said touching my neck

"I know little one but it could be important you both will be in our family sadly." Emmett says not realizing how bad that sounded. "What do you mean sadly…? Do you not want me in the family?" I asked, looking at him as his eyes widened.

"Nooo that's not what I meant I was saying sadly about Bella being in the family!" He says hugging me as I slowly nod my head looking down at my phone. I grabbed my phone and answered it. "Hello?" I said, hearing Bella on the other side. "Carlisle wants Jasper to come and train Jacob and them for the fight." She says with an annoyed tone as I hear Jasper and Emmett groaning mad as they get up.

"Okay they are on their way." I said getting up as Jasper took my hand. I hung up the phone and walked outside with them as I let Jasper take the car keys as I sat in the passenger seat while Emmett sat in the back and Jasper drove to the meet.

I held Jasper's hand looking around at the trees as we soon parked in the woods. I got out and walked with Jasper and Emmett to the others as I hugged them as I heard growling and turned around to see wolves. Wait, I thought we were meeting Jacob not wolves. I looked at the wolves as I walked to one of them realizing that the one I was looking at was Jacob!!

I smiled petting his head. "Hey Jacob, it's been a while." I said while hugging him I heard a car pull up as I looked over to see Edward and Bella. They didn't look happy that I was here but I could care less while Jasper was explaining to everyone about the newborn army. I went over to a tree and sat down putting my headphones in listening to Imagine Dragons believer. I pulled out my book and started to read the book smiling.

As I sat there reading I couldn't help but to hum along to the music. I looked up seeing Edward and Carlisle fighting as I watched Edward get taken down, making me giggle a bit. Bella looked over at me glaring how the hell did she hear me giggle but oh well. What caught me off guard was seeing Jane and Alec walking over to the Cullens.

I quickly stood up taking out my headphones happily as my heart started to beat faster. They are here but where are the rest of them? I'm so happy that they are here!!!! I didn't want to interrupt the conversation that they were having with Carlisle and Esme as I waited.

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