Chapter 6

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Alice smiles looking at me. "I love your ring!" She says and I smile at her seeing Edward whispering to Jasper. I couldn't hear anything that's being said and pouts a bit but looks at Alice. "Would you like to try it on?" I asked taking off the ring, offering it to her as Alice ended up not saying anything as she was staring at me. "You okay?" I touch her hand softly as she looks at me shocked. "S-sorry I'm fine and no but it's a nice ring." She smiles at me as I nod, putting it back on. "Where did you get it?" Edward asks as I look over at him thinking. "Some friends from my old town got it for me." I said smiling as I looked over at Bella seeing her and the others looking at me. "What classes do you have?" Alice asks watching me

I nod my head and pull out my schedule. "Nice you and Edward have biological, history with Jasper, math with me Emmett and Rosalie!" Alice says, smiling at me as I take my schedule back. "Nice!" I said and started to eat but I noticed that they hadn't touched any of their food. "How come you guys are not eating?" I asked, looking at them. "No, we don't eat much hun." Rosalie says as I nod my head  blushing a bit hearing her call me hun while eating.

Rosalie smiles looking at the others, finding me adorable as the bell rings. "I'm gonna walk my sister to class, see you guys!" I said getting up and walking over to my sister and her friends. "Hey Bella!" I said looking at her as I noticed Jessica glaring at me. "Why would you go talk to them!" Jessica asks annoyed as I looked at her confused then at Bella. "That's none of your business, they are nice people." I said starting to walk away but got grabbed and turned around. "Seriously I'm not done talking to you." Jessica says as Bella just watches, not saying anything to her.

I sigh looking at them as I feel two arms go around my shoulders pulling me to them. I looked up seeing Emmett and Rosalie holding me close to them. "Go away." Jasper says trying to scare them away as they watch them leave quickly as Bella glances at me and follows them. "T-thanks.." I said softly, sighing. "No problem darling." Jasper says as I walked with them heading to my class it was math

Alice smiles and looks at me. "You talk to the teacher then you can sit with me!" She says as I nod my head and walk inside. "Hi ma'am I'm Lily Swan." I said handing my paper to her and signed it. "Sit next to Alice please Swan." She says as I nod and walk away sitting next to Alice looking at my ring as I take it off and place it inside of my bag listening to the teacher. I looked over at Alice seeing her staring at me. "I like your eye color." I whisper as she giggles, smiling at me. "Thank you doll." She says whispering.

I smile shyly as I nibble on my lip writing stuff down but had also written down my own phone number and hands it to Alice looking at the teacher then over at Emmett and Rosalie thinking to myself. 'Why are they all so gorgeous.' I thought, sighing softly and looking at my paper.

~Time skip~

I walked to my next class as it was history and gave it to the teacher. "Go sit down with Hale." He says as I nod and go to Jasper sitting down next to him. "Hi darling." Jasper whispers as I smile at him. "Hi." I whisper back listening to the teacher as I draw on a paper but also writing down. "Okay there is gonna be a project on the civil war you will be partnered up Jasper and Lily you two are partners. " The teacher says still naming off everyone else as I smiled looking over at Jasper. "We are partners darling." He says in his southern accent causing me to blush and look away working again.

After spending time with Jasper working on their project hearing the bell ringing. I got up feeling Jasper wrap his arm around my shoulder and walked me to my last class of the day to keep me safe, smiling shyly. I walked into biological seeing everyone staring at me and Jasper feeling nervous seeing Bella at the front with the teacher. Jasper pulls me close and whispers. "You will be fine darling go." He says as I started to feel calm all of a sudden and nods walking in. "Lily Swan." I said standing next to Bella as she whispers to me. "Lily I'm sorry about today…" She says as I nod slowly. "It's okay you're just trying to fit in." I said as the teacher signed our papers.

"Bella sits with Edward and Lily sits next to James in the back." The teacher says as I go back to James and sits down listening as Bella sits next to trying to talk to him but he was looking at me and only me. I waved to him as he waved back and turns around trying to read Bella's mind but couldn't as I went back to drawing as the teacher started the lesson for the day. I grabbed my stuff and looked into the microscope and leaned away writing down what I needed to. "So why are you hanging out with those freaks?" James asked as I looked at him then away trying to ignore him. "Answer me." He says annoyed. "Look I'm trying to work, can you leave me alone please…" I said nicely as I can looking back at my work.

"Didn't have to be a bitch about it." He says glaring at me. I sigh softly thinking to myself. 'I wish I was sitting with Edward instead of this guy.' I thought soon hearing Edward chuckle hearing him laugh I frown. "H-he must really like talking to Bella.." I mumble sighing as I work on my paper again feeling sad. Once class was over I quickly packed up my stuff and walked out before Edward as he followed me close behind. I felt Jasper grab me. "Hey what's wrong?" Jasper asks as I shake my head. "N-nothing is wrong." I said looking down as Jasper lifted my head up to look at him. "What happened?" He asks as I sigh lying. "J-just a boy i sit next to he's weird." I said feeling calmness took over me.

Jasper nods and smiles at me. "Okay go your sister is waiting for you darling." He says as I nod and quickly go over to Bella. "Lily what's wrong?" Bella asks as I look at her. "I-it's nothing Bella." I said as I looked over at Edward and them seeing that they were all looking at us like they were trying to listen to us but I ignored it and looked over at Bella. "Talk to me Lily." I sigh, biting my lip. "I-i guess I was just upset seeing Edward laugh with you…" I said looking away opening the truck door but felt it get yanked shut by Bella.

"Do you like him, Lily?" She asked, looking at me. "W-what? Bella me and you both just met him and the others w-why would I like him I mean ya he's hot all of them are hot b-but they wouldn't like me I'm no one can we just go now…" I asked as I got into the car. I looked out the window with teary eyes looking at the Cullen's sniffling as Bella gets in and drives to the house putting my headphones in listening to music feeling a bit better closing my eyes. Once we arrived at the house I got out and saw dad waiting.

"Hey girls wanna go with me to the cafe?" Charlie asked as I sigh thinking. "Dad, you can take Bella. I'm staying home. I need to lay down." I said as he nodded his head. "Okay get some rest, come on Bella." He says getting into his car with her watching them leave. I unlock the door and walks in going up stairs to my room laying on my bed thinking to myself looking up at the ceiling.

(Don't forget to comment ideas and vote! Love you all and hope you all have a good day/night)

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