Chapter 20

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"Jane!" The guy says as she looks at him. "Yes Master?" She asks as he looks at Bella again. "I-i'll do it, please don't hurt him anymore." She says as Jane looks at her causing her to scream out in pain and falls down crying as Jane stops after being told to stop. "Interesting, well what are we supposed to do with you now?" The guy sits down at his throne. "You know what we are gonna do no humans are supposed to know about us!!" One of them said growling angrily. "True the rule was broken, she should be killed.." He says as Alice steps up a bit as I hold onto her hand. "No!!! She will become one of us! I've seen it!!" Alice says, making me shocked. "Great if that's the case she will definitely kill me..." I thought frowning.

"Well let's see if then." The guy says getting up and walks over to Alice taking off his glove as Alice moves from my grip and Bella grabs my wrist pulling me behind her while they were all distracted causing me to drop my booking making a loud thud sound. I looked up seeing everyone staring at me. I gulped, scared of what they might do to me. "Hello dear I'm Aro who might you be?" He asks walking to me.

"L-Lily Gilbert but last name got changed to Swan." I answered him shyly as he smiled at me in a lovingly way as the other two used their vampire speed as they were now standing next to me looking me up and down for any signs of bruises or anything. "Do you see it Marcus?" The guy with blonde hair asked his brother as he nodded his head.

What did he see? Gosh why am I so scared! I watched as Marcus whispered to his brothers. "So you my dear is mated to the Cullen coven but Edward is dating Bella who is not even your mate shes just s blood singer as in your only dating her for her blood!" Aro says mad and all that was running through my head was oh shit it's about to go downhill fast. I walked over to the steps and sat down.

"She is our mate and we all love her so much we don't want to lose her." Alice says as i looked at my book noticing that it was still on the ground I stared at it until it appeared into my hand. I opened my book and started to read again. I felt like this might take a while. I looked at them all and thought to myself. "You can't see through Bella's mind at all?" I asked, causing everyone to look over at me.

They all looked shocked seeing me on the steps with my book in my hands. Why did they look so shocked they must've not been paying attention oh well. "Yes dear I can't and Edward can't read her thoughts." Aro says as Marcus and Cauis stand behind me in a protective way. "Wait when did you get over there and how the hell did you pick up your book without anyone seeing?" Bella asked, looking at me as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Brother we need to worry about what to do with Bella. She is obviously trying to break the bond between them and it can kill the little one." Cauis said, patting my head when he said little one. "I agree with Cauis we should kill her then Lily and the Cullens can live happy together until they change her." Marcus says.

I looked at them all and thought to myself. "If he thinks she's his mate maybe it wouldn't be a good idea.." I thought and sighs a bit as I looked down at my book. I mean I know she's been a bitch to me but she was still my family right....


I sit with Elena and the others at the Salvatore boarding house playing card games and drinking. "I got a full house bitches!!" I yelled, showing my cards to them all happily. "What?! How you cheated!!" Damon yelled back as he never lost a card game before as everyone was laughing at Damon as he's pouting like a kid.

"Suck it up Damon you lost to a girl Lily is a badass." Stefan says, chuckling as Elena and the others agreed. Jermey walked in with the pizza with Bonnie holding the scream movie collection. I walked over and grabbed the movies, placing the first movie into the dvd player.

"Really Lily, those movies suck badly." Damon says as I roll my eyes at him. "Too bad deal with it. They are classic horror movies. You can't tell me that I'll fight you Stu and Billy are the hottest killers ever." I said smirking as Bonnie, Elena and Caroline agreed with me

"She's not wrong at all." Caroline says sitting down next to me as the others sat down and started to get pizza out of the box on the table in front of them.

~Falshback ends~

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