Chapter 24

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(Smut warning)

I was kissing Caius as he lay me down on my bed pulling off my shirt as he pulled away from the kiss and started to kiss my neck causing me to let out a soft moan. "C-caius we can't, what if they hear us?" I moaned softly, leaning my head back.

"Let them hear you babygirl let them know that you are our mate and only ours." Caius says biting and sucking on my neck leaving hickeys as he moves down my body with wet kisses. I looked over in the corner seeing the other kings and guards watching us with smirks on their faces.

I blushed looking away as I felt Caius pulling off my pants and kissing my inner thighs soon pulling off my panties as I felt his fingers tracing my clit. I gasped out a moan gripping onto his hair, moaning softly.

"C-caius." I moaned out feeling him push a finger inside causing me to whine out a moan as I feel him start to move his finger soon adding another one I moan as his finger thrust inside of me making me more went.

I moaned more as he moved his fingers faster but he pulled them out causing me to whine watching as he started to unbuckle his pants.

I woke up to my alarm going off and looked around realizing I just had a wet dream about Caius and them fuck I hope no one heard me if I actually moaned in my sleep. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom starting the shower as I took off my clothes blushing embarrassed as I got into the shower.

I washed my body then my hair and rinsed out the shampoo and container. I got out of the shower wrapping a towel around me as I walked into the room that's mine and dried off my body soon getting dressed.

I walked down stairs seeing that no one was home as I looked at the letter left for me

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I walked down stairs seeing that no one was home as I looked at the letter left for me. 'Hello sweetie we went out to hunt for animal blood then we are going shopping for groceries and stuff will be home later! Love Esme' I sighed reading it and placed it down. I walked over to the window looking outside seeing that it was cloudy and raining a bit.

I went over to the couch sitting down as I turned on the TV flipping through the channels, soon finding Scream playing as I smiled leaning back against the couch. Sadly it was in the middle of the movie but I still loved it. Watching Stu and Billy torment Randy at his job was one of my favorite parts.

"Come on it's so noticable who the killer is wow how come when I first watched this I never noticed until my sixteen times watching this movie. I should have noticed how Billy looked at Stu when he explained how to kill someone or the other times.

Once the movie finished I flipped through finding Harry Potter even better. It's the first movie and it's at the beginning!!!! I sat up straighter and hugs the pillow watching as half way through Esme, Rosalie and Emmett came back with groceries of food as I started to get up to help.

"Nope, sit down and relax angel." Rosalie says as I pout but nods sitting down as they put away the groceries. When they finished Esme started to cook food while Rosalie and Emmett came over sitting on the couch having me between them both. I snuggled into their sides watching the movie happily feeling safe in their arms.

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