Chapter 29

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I could tell that they didn't believe me. I bit my lip and sighs. Time to come clean but before I could I hear Bella talking to Jasper. "Your scars are like mine." She says as Jasper looks at his arms. "Battle scars." He said, smirking a bit as he looked at her.

"Princess?" Alec says as I look up at them and smiles. "Where are you guys staying?" I asked as they looked at each other than back at me. "We are staying at Cullen's house in the guest room." Jane says putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "So you both will be sharing a room with me!" I said happily as they nodded, smiling.

Alec kissed my head as I giggled and thought about everything. "Actually since we left Italy Edward and Bella have been treating me worse…." I said as I saw them look mad and their eyes looked dark.

Jane turns around and walks over looking at Edward as he falls down to the ground screaming in pain. "Stop, please stop!!!!" Bella cries out as she's shaking in fear and glares at me. "Since you all don't want to listen to the king's orders it's time to break the bond completely and she's going back to Italy with me and Alec no one is going to stop her or us from leaving. " Jane says as Alec grabs my hand holding it softly.

"You can't take our mate!!!" Emmett yells, stepping forward to us but stops when he sees a black mist forming around him and the other's. "What were you saying?" Jane asked, glaring at him as he stayed away from us three. "We will let you two live for now but that's only until our princess tells us to kill you we are taking our leave now." Alec says taking me over to the car and opens the driver door letting me get in.

I watched as Jane  walked over leaning down by my windows. "We would have ran but you can't run at our speed so you will go by plane. We would go on the plane but our eyes are red. It would scare people. She says kissing my head as I nod my head watching them both run away. 

I drove to the airport sighing. I feel bad for leaving dad but I need to be away from Bella and the Cullens. I thought moving to here would be a fresh start away from the supernatural world away from all the vampire drama and that but nope in sucked back into it and mated to thirteen vampires and dealing with a crazy ass sister I would of been better off staying at Mystic Falls but yet again I wouldn't of met the kings and guards.

I groaned, annoyed at myself as I parked at the airport and got out of my car. People are all looking at me. I think it's because I don't have any luggage with me. I looked through my car finding all of my books and giggles. "My secret stash." I mumbled to myself as I grabbed the bag and carried it into the airport.

After a while of waiting and being on the plane ride to Italy my phone was going insane with messages from the Cullens and from dad. I didn't answer any of them. When the plane landed I got out and walked looking for a car.

"Excuse me, are you Lily Swan?" A woman asked as I nod my head at her. "Hi the kings sent me to pick you up, are you ready to go?" She asked as I smiled hearing. "Ya I'm ready." I said as I followed her to the car and got in, letting her drive me to the castle.

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