Chapter 12

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"I am very hungry." I said smiling as I sat there and started to eat the food. "You cook so good!" I said eating still as Edward smiles watching me. "Sweetie, do you have a place to move to?" Esme asks as I nod my head. "I have a house next to my dad's place." I said, eating as she nodded looking at me.

After eating for a while I soon finished and looked at them. "Or you could stay with us?" Alice asked, looking at me as I looked at her shock. "M-move in?" I asked, looking at her as she nodded her head. "Won't you guys be uncomfortable with me being here?" I asked, looking down at the plate in front of me.

"Darling your our mate…you are mated to all of us and we would do anything for you." Jasper says, making me blush hearing him. I'm mated to all of them?! No wonder I kept feeling a connection to them and why I always felt safe and sound in their arms. They make me happy and make me feel complete.

I smiled and leaned over kissing Jasper's cheek then the others' cheeks. "I'm glad I'm mated to you all." I said shyly as they smiled at me. I looked over seeing Carlisle run into the house looking at us all as he came over to me. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry that I was late princess. I was working and they told me about those guys grabbing you." He says cupping my cheeks in his cold hands.

"I'm fine Carlisle I promise." I said, smiling shyly at him as he kissed my forehead making me giggle and look away. I felt my heart beating faster. I looked up at them. "Well little one will you move in with us so we can keep you safe?" Emmett asks as they all look at me, making me blush and nod my head. "I would love to move in with you all!" I said smiling

Emmett smiles and picks me up hugging me as he spins us around making me giggle and places me down as he kisses my cheek. Rosalie comes over and hugs me kissing the other side of my cheek.

"Okay everyone you will have her at all time now so let her get some sleep you all have school tomorrow." Esme says standing up and hugs me then grabs the plate to wash it as Alice grabs my hand dragging me to the guest room well my room.

"I'll talk to your father tomorrow princess and I'll make sure he doesn't tell Bella either!" Carlisle calls out to me as I yell. "Okay!!!" I said falling onto the bed when Alice pulled me down next to her making me giggle. I cuddle into her as Jasper comes into the room and lays down behind me and kisses my neck softly. "Sleep well darling." Jasper says as I was biting my lip to not make a sound and nods my head closing my eyes as I slowly fall asleep in their arms.

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~Sort chapter before bed night everyone<3~

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