Chapter 15

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It's been a good few days. I stayed a little bit longer than I expected and Klaus was nice to me only to me which is weird but hey maybe he knows how bad I was hurting. I honestly miss the Cullens so badly I even miss dad!

I got into my car and buckled up as I turned on the engine and started driving back home listening to music as I parked at the Cullens house seeing Bella and Edward hugging each other. It hurt my heart so much seeing this but I forced a smile and got out of the car. "You are back?!" Bella says shocked looking at me as the others run out seeing me also.

"Yup I'm back." I said, crossing my arms at them. "We missed you so much!!" Alice says running over and hugs me tightly making me gasp for air. "Okay Alice you are hurting our darling." Jasper says as Alice pulls away from me, making me breath again. "God what is that god awful smell! It smells like wet dogs and vampires." Rosalie says covering her nose as I giggle a bit, rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed.

"What's funny?" Edward asked, looking at me but I ignored him. "Sorry guys I smell like that because when I ran away I went to find Stefan and he was with Klaus so I ended up staying with them for awhile!" I said, smiling at them.

"What?! You went to a guy that attacked you?!" Edward yells as I keep ignoring him and skips to Emmett. "I missed you all so much!" I said tackling him in a hug as he picked me up and held me in his arms, hugging me. "We missed you also angel." Emmett says kissing my head.

I smiled happily hugging them all after I was put down. "Why are you ignoring Edward?!" Bella asked as I bit the inside of my cheek trying my hardest not to say anything but it got the best of me. "Look at least I didn't need a vampire man to save me from psycho vampires!!!" I yelled at her mad and hurt.

"You were attacked by a vampire, you were bit on your neck by one and no one saved you because no one likes you!!" Bella says as I teared up a bit. "You're right I was attacked but guess what he was a hybrid, a vampire and a werewolf mixed! Edward, you told her about it?! I trusted you and all you did was hurt me!" I said crying now as Carlisle and Esme showed up seeing me crying.

I went to my car and got in, ignoring everyone at this point and drove to the hotel room. After a bit I parked at the driveway and got out, going up to my hotel unlocking the door. Before you ask, yes I moved out of my father's house and living in a hotel room until I get all my stuff moved into the house I got. I was glad about it I was all alone. I walked to this bathroom and washed my hands deep in thought as that was my breaking point.

(Instead of it being Dean it's Lily letting out all of her anger and sadness)  

After I was able to let out my anger and sadness I looked around the broken up room sighing and sits down leaning my back up against the bed crying I hated how I felt how I felt to them but it hurt more knowing that Edward is now with Bella.

The first time I was really wanting to move on and be happy with people that actually loved me for me for who I am but no instead it feels like I wasted so much time on them but yet I still like them I wanna be with them. I groaned becomg annoyed again as I crawl into the bed and covers myself up and sleeps away the anger and pain I'm feeling deep inside.

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