Chatper 30 & A/N

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I sat in the passenger seat reading my book while she was driving me to the castle. I was excited to see them all again. I've missed them very deeply. "Are you hungry?" She asked me as I looked over at her trying to remember the last time I ate food. "Ya I am." I said embarrassed as I'm pretty sure that I haven't eaten since yesterday the plane ride was long. I didn't get off the plane until it was morning.

I bet the kings and guards were worried when I didn't show up last night but I couldn't prevent the plane from being delayed and it took longer. I closed my book looking up as I saw the same beautiful place again. Once she parked the car I got out and followed her in through the doors and down the long hallway as I saw Felix and Demetri.

I smiled big and ran to them both hugging them as I heard them chuckle while hugging me back. "Hi beautiful, did you have a good trip here?" Felix asked as I nodded my head. "Yup it was fine!" I said looking up at them both as I felt myself being lifted up into Demetri's arms as I cling to him.

He walked to the elevator and walked in as Felix pressed the button. "You know I can walk." I said giggling at them both. "Nope our princess is being carried all the way to the kings." Demetri says as I smile and nod my head laying it down on his shoulder listening to the elevator music. "You guys need better music in here." I mumbled as Felix and Demetri chuckled shit they heard me oh well I don't feel bad for that part the music did suck it was creepy as hell.

"Ya we have been meaning to change that but never got around to it princess" Felix answers as I smiled and laid my head back on Demetri's shoulder as the elevator doors opened I knew we were getting closer to the hole. It was fun last time I didn't scream or anything. I looked down the hole and looked at them. "Are you jumping?" I asked as I saw a smirk on their faces.

"Nope, would you like to be caught by Felix? You can jump and he catches you." Demetri asked, smirking. "N-no thank you I would like to live." I said scared now. "Love, trust us he will catch you." He says as I pout and nod my head feeling Demetri place me down on the ground as Felix jumps down.

I looked over at Demetri seeing him smiling at me. "You got this princess." He whispers into my ear before kissing my cheek. I smiled and nodded, jumping off as I screamed a bit as I was falling down. I got caught by two strong arms. I cling to the person seeing that it was Felix. Low key that was actually fun and I kinda wanna do it again. I snuggled into his chest as Demetri came down.

They both walked into the throne room as I see the three kings sitting at their seats and when I saw them my heart started to beat even faster. "My love! You are here" Aro says walking over to me once I was put down I ran the rest of the way hugging him happily.

"Did you have a safe trip, my little one?" Caius asked as I nod my head hugging him. "I missed you all so much." I said hugging him as Marcus came over pulling me away from Caius to hug me. I giggle hearing Caius growl at him. "We all missed you very much. We are glad that you are here with us instead of being with the Cullens and Jane told us what Edward did to you. We would kill them but since there is a newborn army they will do it for us so don't worry my love." Marcus says as I nod my head. "Okie." I mumbled into his chest.


Alex Swan was taken when she was only 5 years old by a company called W

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Alex Swan was taken when she was only 5 years old by a company called W.I.C.K.E.D they took kids who were immuned and some that were not immune to the virus. One day her, Thomas and Teresa got sent up to a place called the maze; they all seemed to be around the age of sixteen. They went through so much hell from the maze, then the Scorch and finally the death cure. Once all of that was over and they went to the safe haven they thought it was all over...Until a group of FBI agents came and took them all to a place that was untouched by the virus only to be separated and put into houses with their family. Alex ends up meeting her sister Bella Swan and her father Charlie Swan along with some pale people. Will everything turn out alright for Alex or will everything fall apart?

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~Night/morning everyone sleep well or have a good day <3~

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