Chapter 8

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~A few days later~

I got out of bed early in the morning and put my hair in a messy bun and walked down the stairs holding my bag and putting on my socks and shoes seeing Bella and dad at the door. "Hey I'll be back later tonight dad. " I said and hugged him as I walked out with Bella. "Bye Bella see you later." I said as she looked at me. "Where are you going?" She asks as I sigh. "To a funeral…" I said as she nodded. "Since you haven't been at school Edward never showed up. What are you doing to them?" She asks, making me look at her shocked.

"I don't have time for this." I said getting into my car and putting the bag in the back seat as I started to engine and put the car in reverse backing out of the driveway then put the car in drive and waves as I drove off. "Why wouldn't he show up for school?" I mumble to myself driving for a few hours jamming out to music trying not to think about them.

Once I arrived at Elena's House I parked and got out with my bag. On the way here people found me weird because I was still wearing my pj's. I walked up to the door and walk in seeing Elena with Damon and Jeremy and with Alaric.

Elena looks at me as tears fall and runs over tackling me in a hug. I cried hugging her back just as tight then I went and hugged the others. "Go get change, we will wait for you…" Damon says as I nod and goes to the bathroom changing into a black dress then comes back out. It felt weird being so far away from Alice and the others it hurt in my chest but I knew that I needed to be here for my family that I grew up with.

I walk out with Damon and them as he takes my car keys and opens the passenger side as I get in and buckle up. Damon comes around and gets in the car as I sit there and Jeremy, Elena and Alaric get into the other car as we drive to the funeral. Once we arrived and parked I got out with Damon sighing. Stefan was taken by Klaus and no one has seen him. It hurts knowing he's taken.

I stand next to Damon and Elena feeling someone grab my hand holding it as I looked down seeing Damon was the one holding my hand I looked at the casket as tears fall holding his hand sniffling as I let go of his hand placing a rose on her casket and walks away upset and wanting to be alone. I walked over to a bunch of trees as tears fell, blaming myself for not being here for them.

"Hello Love" A voice says as I turn around seeing a guy with blue eyes as he grabs me and bites my neck making me scream out in pain crying. He was gonna kill and turn me thinking it made me scared. I pushed him away with my hands causing him to go flying against a tree as I fell down feeling the blood going down my neck seeing Damon and Elena running over. "Oh my god!" Elena says worried as Damon bites his wrist and holds it up to my mouth as I shake my head quickly.

"Drink Lily!" He says as I shake my head. "N-no! I'm not turning into one please just stop…" I said crying as Damon sighs, picking me up and carrying me to the car and puts me in as he gets into the driver seat taking me back to the house. Once we arrived I got out slowly and head upstairs to my old room and walks in looking into the mirror seeing the dried blood I took a wash rag and puts it against my neck and clean off the blood then puts on a bandaid as I changed into different clothes

I see Elena and Damon at the table with food. I walk over and sit down looking up at them as I got my plate from Damon. "Are you okay?" Elena asks as I nod my head. "Ya also I'm pretty sure it was Klaus that attacked me….he had blue eyes and a British accent.." I said as I saw Elena stiffen up hearing. "Hurry up and eat then head home okay?" Elena says as I nod and starts to eat with them.

Once done I take the dirty dishes over to the sink and put them into the sink washing them as Elena goes to her room. Damon walks over, turning me around and kisses me, making my eyes go wide as I slowly start to kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck, feeling his hands on my hips but once I realized what was happening I pushed him away softly. "N-no Damon no more…" I said starting to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

"Don't leave please I love you Lily…" he says cupping my cheeks in his hands. "No you don't…you love Katherine and Elena you will always love her I'm not stupid you spent forever to find Katherine…I have to go…" I said moving away and heading outside, getting into my car and driving away heading home as tears fell.

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