Chapter 10

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I woke up in an unfamiliar bed looking around the room. I saw Alice next to me looking at a magazine while Jasper was behind me reading his book. I blushed in shock that they were next to me. I quickly lay up rubbing my eyes. "Morning love." Alice says, looking at me as she moves my hair out of my face. "Morning. " I mumbled looking at her.

After spending time with them all I went home and the weekend was hell as time passed i walked outside watching Bella slip and fall causing me to giggle a bit covering my mouth as she glares at me. "Are you okay Bella? I put new tires on the truck. It should help." Dad says as I go to the truck getting in the weather is hell but I loved the coldness.

" Dad says as I go to the truck getting in the weather is hell but I loved the coldness

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I put my headphones on while listening to music. Playing at Linkin park was one of my favorite bands. I looked out the window while Bella drove to school and sadly I haven't heard from Stefan. I'm worried about him being stuck with Klaus.

Once we arrived at school I got out of the car and walked to the school door but saw Edward and them. "Hey-" I said but got caught off when Bella said hi to them smiling at them. I sigh and walk away heading to my class not wanting to deal with her today. I sat down at my seat working throughout the whole day avoiding Bella but that didn't last long.

When school was over I walked out being dragged by Bella to the truck she was pissed off I guess the Cullens told her to leave them alone or they were gonna report her for harassment which to me is funny as hell.

"Stop pulling me!" I said, jerking my hand away from her. "Stay away from the Cullen's I mean it!" She says as I roll my eyes and puts my headphones in listening to Mrs. Potato head. I went to open the truck door but couldn't as Bella closed it glaring at me. I groaned, annoyed that she was doing this but what I didn't realize was a van sliding towards me about to smash into me and kill me.

Bella pushed me as she got out of the way. My eyes widened seeing the van and closed my eyes waiting for the impact but didn't feel anything at all but I was laying on the ground. I opened my eyes and looked up seeing Jasper and Edward had stopped the truck from hitting me.

I took off my headphones looking at them as they quickly left while everyone came over to me asking if I'm okay or telling others to call the ambulance. Bella came over to me acting worried. "Oh my god are you okay sis?!" She asks I knew she was faking the bitch just tryed to kill me. Soon all of the voices seemed to disappear as I passed out due to shockness.

I slowly woke up being in the hospital and looked around seeing Bella on the chair as I laid up groaning a bit as I saw dad come in talking to Tyler. "You and I are gonna have a talk, are you okay?!" He asks, looking at me worried as I nod my head.

"Dad, we are okay, we are alive." Bella says looking at dad then at me as I was tensed when she said that. "I'm sorry Bella and Lily." Tyler says as I smile. "It's okay Tyler-" "No it's not okay you two could have died and you can kiss your license goodbye." Dad said, looking at me then at Bella. She must have told dad that she was in the accident also…."Well dad we didn't." Bella says as I stayed quiet.

"I heard the Chief's daughters are here Jackie you can go." Dr. Carlisle says as I looked up at him as he checked Bella then he came over to me. "Lily I'm really-" Tyler says but gets cut off when dad closes the curtain. I felt Carlisle's cold hand on my cheek. I felt myself calm down as he checked me. "Okay everything seems okay you can sign the papers also my kids are looking for you." Carlisle says as I nod and get down.

I walked out of the room and headed down the hallway with Carlisle following close behind. I saw Jasper and the others as I had tears falling. I ran over tackling Jasper and Edward into a hug as they all took turns hugging me. "What you two did was very risky. We can' let people see us doing that…but I'm really glad you saved our angle." Carlisle says as I blushed looking at them. "Bella tried to kill me..she pushed me." I said looking at them

They all looked pissed off and looked behind me seeing Bella. "Bye darling we will see you at school." Jasper says leaving with them as Carlisle pat my head then leaves as I went home with dad and Bella. Once home I got out and headed into the house going into my room as I shut it and locked it. I grabbed my pj's and changed into them as I put my clothes into the hamper. I laid down on my bed pulling out my phone making a group chat.

Group chats

Me- My sister tried to kill me!
Elena- Are you fucking serious?!
Bonnie- Hex her!
Damon- What's going on?
Me- Well Damon my sister tried to kill me she saw a van heading to us and pushed me into the way to get killed
Caroline- Why is she trying to kill you?
Me- Because there are 7 hot people that are talking to me and not her
Damon-Wait hot? Like hotter than me?
Elena-Well Damon is jealous now!
Bonnie- To bad for him tell me about them!!
Me-Very hot and I'm telling you guys this because you guys have vampires and that so you guys already know it. But they are vampires and my god they are so amazing they saved me from being killed. I even stayed the night with them!
Damon- Hmm I see and all of these guys saved you?
Me: Actually two saved me but it's not all guys there is three girls and four boys
Elena- When are you coming back down?
Caroline- Ya we want to have a sleepover with you at some point!
Bonnie-Ya miss you so much
Me- I'll try coming and staying the night but I'mma head to bed it's late and I have school love you guys night!

Once I got done talking to them I slowly closed my eyes drifting off into my sleep snuggling into the blankets happily as I slept during the night.

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