Chapter 5

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I walk out of my room going to Bella's as I know hearing her. "I'm up dad." She says as I giggle and open the door. "Not dad but come on don't wanna be late." I said as I walked out heading down the stairs and into the kitchen getting me leftover food. I started to eat my food seeing Bella walking down the stairs getting something to eat also. I went out to the truck putting my bag inside the truck then got in buckling up as I ate my leftover pizza. Bella walks out locking the door and comes over to the truck putting her bag up before getting in also.

I sit in the truck looking out the window seeing the school and smiles as Bella parks the truck as I open the door getting out with her and grabs my bag hearing people laugh. "Nice ride." A guy says, looking at us with a smirk. "Thanks.." Bella says coming over to me as I follow her inside as we get our schedules. "Hi ma'am can we have a schedule?" I asked as she nodded, handing it to us. "Also my last name is Swan." I said, watching as she nodded. "Okay dear let me fix your last name real quick." She says then hands it back to me.

I walk with Bella looking at the schedule. "You're Isabella Swan and Lily Gilbert the new girls hi I'm Eric. I'm the eyes and ears of this place. Uhm anything you need, your guide, lunch date or shoulder to cry on." He says walking with us. "Actually, my last name is Swan." I said walking as I stayed close to her. "Uhm and I go by Bella, we are the suffer in silence type." Bella says, walking putting her arm around mine. "Good headline for the future! I'm on the paper for your news baby front page." He says smiling at us. "No I'm not…p-please don't hav-" she gets cut off. "Whoa chill no features." He said as I walked away with her to the gym.

Once we got there and changed into the gym clothes I walked out putting my hair in a ponytail as we were playing volleyball. I hit the ball smiling and look at my sister seeing her struggling as she hits the ball causing it to hit someone in the back of the head as I try not to laugh following her. "I'm sorry. I told them not to let me play." She says as I watch. "No no it's fine. You're Isabella right?" He asks, looking at her. "Just Bella and this is my sister Lily " She says pointing at me. "I'm Mike Newton." He says shaking our hands as a girl comes over. "Nice to meet you." Me and Bella say seeing the girl come to us three.

"Shes got a good spike huh I'm Jessica by the way." She says looking at her I didn't say anything she reminded me of Caroline a bit. "You're from Arizona right?" She says as Bella nods. "Ya." She says and Jessica looks at me. "I'm from Mystic Falls, Virginia." I said with a small wave as she nodded her head looking annoyed. "Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be really tan?" She asks as Bella nods. "ya guess that's why they kicked me out." Bella says looking at me then back at them hearing them laughing. "You're good." He says pointing at her. "So funny." Jessica says as Bella walks off.

"So you're from Virginia but she said you guys are sisters, why from different places?" Mike asks as I sigh about to answer. "She must have been left behind by her parents and sister." Jessica says as it hurt hearing her say that but knew it was true and walks away as they all went back to doing their own thing.


I grab my food with Bella and follows her as Mike pulls out my sister's chair as she sits down I sat down next to her and Eric as they was talking. "Hey Mikey, you meet my homegirls Bella and Lily. " Eric says smiling as Mike leans on the table. "Ohh your home girl?" Mike says looking at them two as Tyler runs up. "my homegirls." He says kissing my and Bella's cheek then pulls away Mike's chair running off. I giggle softly watching.

"It's like it's first grade all over again you two being the shiny new toy." Jessica says faking laughing I could tell she didn't like me and Bella getting attention but I didn't wanna ruin anything for Bella she seemed really instead in them. I pulled out my phone looking at my messages seeing Elena pop up soon seeing a flash but ignores it.

(E for Elena and L for Lily)

E- Hey how's school?

L- It's very…different

E- Don't worry things will get better after a few days!

L- Ya maybe

I looked up from my phone listening to Bella but something caught my attention from outside. "Who are they?"  I asked causing my sister and her friends to look also. "It's the Cullen's." Angela says smiling. "They are Mr and Ms Cullen's foster kids. They moved down here from Alaska like a few years ago." Jessica says as I watch them walk in. "They kinda keep to themselves." Angela says, looking at Bella. "Ya cause they are together like together together." Jessica says as I listen. "The blond girl is Rosalie and the big dark haired guy is Emmett their like a thing. I'm not even sure that's illegal." Jessica says, looking at me.

"Jess, they are not even related." I said looking at her. "Ya but they live together it's weird." Jessica says as I roll my eyes looking over at them. "And the little dark haired girl is Alice. She's really weird and um she's with Jasper, the one that always looks like he's in pain. Doctor Cullen's like this foster dad/ matchmaker." She says as I stare at them. "Who's he?" Bella asks, causing me to look also. "that's Edward Cullen totally gorgeous but apparently nobody is good enough for him. Like I care you know so ya seriously like don't waste your time." Jessica says as Bella smiles.

"Wasn't planning on it but i was thinking for Lily not me she would most likely try" She says joking with them as they laughed causing me to frown a bit and look down. "You know what, I'm gonna go talk to them!" I said getting up and walking away but Bella grabs me and sits me back down. "Bella let go, I'm gonna go and do it!" I said getting up. "Let's watch her make a fool out of herself." Jessica says, smiling innocently at me as I roll my eyes walking over to the Cullen's table. "H-hi I'm Lily Swan." I said, smiling at them nervously as Alice looked at me and got up hugging me. "Hello I'm Alice! Would you like to sit with us?" She asks as I nod.

I slowly sat down on the chair as my sister and her friends watched in shock. "This is Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie and Edward!" She says pointing them all out. "Nice to meet you all." I said seeing their eyes becoming shocked. They are the same from my dreams that I've been having was they the ones from the dreams.

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