Chapter 32

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WARNING SMUT can skip if uncomfortable with it)

"Okay let our mate eat." Marcus says as I pull away from the kiss shyly and go back to eating my food. "Okay but we have to show our mate around the castle so she won't get lost." Aro says watching me eat my food.

After I finished I got up and took the plate to the sink to wash it. "Love you don't have to wash it, the maid will do that." Aro says as I nod and walk over to them.

Marcus kissed my head and stood up taking my hand as we walked around the castle showing me every room they have a big ass library!! They kept letting me hold different hands. The last hand I got sent to was Caius.

I walked into the room with Caius and the others as they were showing me around the castle that was until Caius, bites his lip and smashes his lips against mine pushing me up against the wall of their room. I slipped out a moan blushing as I kissed him back, wrapping my arm around Cauis's neck staying close to him.

Caius pulls away from the kiss and kisses down to my neck softly biting and sucking on it looking for my sweet spot soon finding it as he hears me whine out a moan. "A-ahh Caius t ~" I moaned out, whining as I gripped onto his shirt feeling something poking my stomach causing me to blush as he leaves hickeys on my neck.

"You are ours no one else's." Caius said, picking me up off the ground carrying me to the bed and laying me down on it softly hovering over me as the others came into the room. Caius kisses me roughly and passionately as he slides his hand up under my shirt touching my nipples as I flinch a bit from feeling his cold hands kissing him back moaning softly.

Caius pulls away, taking off my shirt leaning back down kissing my chest softly. I whined out a moan feeling his lips on my breasts. I pushed Caius  up a bit and pulled on his shirt, taking it off seeing Caius chest and his abs. "W-wow hot…" I said, biting my lip as he chuckles.

"Please hurry, I want you.." I said as Caius smirks, nodding as he takes off our pants to where they are only in their boxers and panties. "I hope your ready babygirl." He says as I nod my head shyly. "I am babe." I said as Caius smirks still and takes off his own boxers showing his own member causing my eyes to widen in shock seeing how big it is.

"W-will it even fit inside?" I asked nervously as Caius smirked and chuckled. "Ya baby it will, I promise I'll be gentle a first." He said as he slowly took off my panties teasing me as Caius  hovers back over me and kisses me softly, lining himself up to me slowly pushing inside of me causing me to whine out a pained moan into the kiss.

"O-oh god Caius~" I moaned  out into his lips blushing as it took a bit for the pain to stop and nodded my head. Caius bites my lip pulling away from my lips. "Fuck your tight my love" Caius says as he started to thrust inside of me moaning.

I moaned, arching my back and leaned my head back as Caius thrust harder into me as we both moaned in pleasure. "R-right there babe." I moan biting my lip hard enjoying the feeling as I pull Caius down kissing him while he thrusts deeper into me hitting that spot over and over again as they both get close. Caius kept kissing me and pulled away. "I'm close babygirl." Caius says, thrusting roughly and faster into me using his vampire speed every now and then.

"S-same babe." I said after a while of Caius thrusting into me I cumed as he came inside of me and slowly pulled out lay down next to me pulling me close to his chest. "I love you babygirl." Caius said, holding me  still as we were sweaty and I was tired. "I love you too babe." I said, yawning a bit as Aro chuckles. "Love we are not over yet." He says walking to me

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