Chapter 7

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I lay there in my bed looking at the ceiling still and hear my phone as I answer it. "Hey Elena what's up?" I asked as I heard her crying, making me sit up. "Elena what's wrong?!" I asked worried but the next thing I heard broke my heart so badly. "J-jenna died….k-klaus turned her then killed her..he's alive still be careful he knows that you're part witch so be careful please I can't lose you" She says as I had tears falling down my cheek.

I grab my ring out of my bag and put it on quickly. "I-i'll be safe w-when's the funeral?" I asked as tears fall still. "this week Thursday so don't make plans please…come home for it." She says as I sniffle. "Ya I'll come don't worry love you Elena night." I said waiting as I heard her say night and love you too then hung up as I broke down crying.

I sat there on my bed hugging myself as I slowly fall asleep with dried tears staining my cheeks. After a few hours I woke up to hearing Bella and dad downstairs as I looked at my door then rolled over seeing my window open as I tilted my head and got up walking over and closed it while locking it. I walk over to my bed laying down and fall back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to my alarm clock going off as I got into the bathroom and brushed my hair then teeth. I change into a different pair of clothes then grabs my bag and runs down the stairs seeing dad about to leave as I stop him as my thoughts were back to last night. "D-dad my old house there was a lady her name was Aunt Jenna and she would always take care of me but she passed away last night and her funeral is Thursday. Can I go?" I asked to see him nod his head.

"Ya sure sweetie go before you guys are late Bella is outside." He says kissing my head as I leave and get into the truck as I feel my eyes get watery but tries to ignore the hurt I was feeling. I knew I was part witch Bonnie and her Gram told me and they even tried helping me to gain my powers but it was still not that good.

Once we arrived at school and park I got out grabbing my bag as she followed me. I'm not gonna lie, I was ignoring Bella to be rude or anything. It was just that I lost Jenna and I didnt want her to be mean to me.

I saw Alice and the others as she smiled at me but I looked down not in the best mood until I felt Bella stop me and drag me over to Alice and then hoping they would talk to her if I was there. Bella pulls out my earphones to make me listen. "Where is Edward?" She asks them as Rosalie scuffles. "Go away also hi hun how are you?" She asks me as I nod my head. "I'm fine." I said lying to be honest I felt dead inside.

I went to walk away but felt cold arms wrap around me. I was a bit shocked but calmed down seeing Alice and hugs back tightly as tears started to fall down. I didn't want to break down here in front of them but couldn't help it.

Once I was done crying I sniffled pulling away as I wiped away my tears. "Darling what's wrong?" Jasper asks as Bella looks mad and annoyed. I look at them sighing softly. "My aunt died last night.." I said as Bella's face softened hearing this as the others looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me Lily?" Bella looks at me as I shrug. "I'm going back for the funeral on Thursday." I said softly hearing the bell ringing as I quickly hugged them then went to class.

~Skip to lunch ~

I walk out of my classroom going to the lunch room as I walk over getting my food and walks to the table but sees Alice waving me over. I smile and walk over sitting down. "So where is Edward?" I asked to see them looking at me. "He went to Alaska to visit family." Alice says smiling as I nod looking at their trays thinking to myself. 

I never see them eating. They are super pale and cold.... Why do they remind me of Damon and Stefan but they eat and drink? I wonder if they are a different type of a vampire or something else

I sigh softly, shaking my head wondering if I should ask but gets brought out of my thoughts seeing a hand in front of my face. "Hey, would you like to come over on Friday?" Alice asks, making me shocked but I smile and nod my head. "Ya if I make it back." I said as my phone rings making me annoyed but sees that it's Elena so I answered.

"Hey Damon, what do you want?" I asked but heard a  pained chuckle and sighs not knowing that Alice and then all were listening in on the conversation. "I just missed you is all..." Damon says as I roll my eyes but hears the pain in his voice. "Damon, are you okay?" I asked, worried about hearing him sigh. "I-i'm sorry I really am…." He says as my eyes start to tear up. "D-damn whatever prank you are playing needs to stop, don't say sorry to me." I said as I see Alice looking at me worriedly as I glanced at the others.

"I love you just remember that…" Damon says I wasn't gonna lie I had a big crush on Damon but I caught him kissing Elena and he even told her that he loved her. I was hurt but at the same time his ex-girlfriend looks just like Elena. "I-i love you too Damon but what's going on?" I asked, listening to his groaning of pain. "W-well I got bit by a wolf I'm dying…" He says as my eyes widen. "I-im on my way!!" I said getting up, tears falling. "No don't I'll be fine you need to stay away Klaus will take you…bye" He says hanging up as I drop down but was caught by Emmett as tears fell.

"I-i need to go home…" I said getting up and grabs my back leaving I decided to walk home I couldn't deal with everything that was happening after a long walk I made it home I told Dad I couldn't deal with today so he let me stay home as I go into my room packing a outfit for the funeral and sits on my chair at the desk sighing softly.

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