Chapter 40

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It's been at least three years since we had four other kids, three more girls and one more boy. The three girls were named Lisa, Jo, Ellie and the boy was named Dean.

They are all so beautiful and handsome Lisa and Jo were learning magic cause they wanna be like me and aunt Bonnie. I did become a vampire a year ago. I cant have anymore kids but that won't stop me and Jane from adopting a baby.

I walked into the throne room as it was Christmas and I saw Caius and Fred, George shaking the presents trying to figure out what's inside as I shook my head sighing.

I walked over to my chair and sat down as Aro walked over kissing my head. "You okay my love?" Aro asked as I nodded my head smiling. "Ya just wondering how we have another kid." I said pointing at Caius as he looked at me. "Hey I heard that!" He said as the kids giggled watching us.

"Princess remember you were the same way out in the garden you and the kids were playing on the playground outside." Felix said as I pouted at him. "Hey, that's not fair!" I said crossing my arms as he kissed my head chucking

I giggled and watched as our kids all came running into the throne room. "Love, can me and Jane pass out the presents?" Caius asked as I nodded my head while him and Jane passed out all of the presents.

I smiled watching the kids open their Christmas presents as they all were excited and showing us the stuff they got. Rose loved Art so she got art stuff and books, Fred and George got toys and stuff to prank Caius with. Lisa and Jo got magic stuff while Dean got movies and a camera for photography. "We love it mom, thank you!!!" Dean said hugging me as the others came running over and hugs me then hugs their dad's and other mom.

~The end~

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