Chapter 18

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I woke up laying up quickly and threw up all of the water I cling onto the person's arm looking up at the random person that saved my life and it was Jacob. "Are you okay?!" He asked as I nodded my head, shivering cold and crying.

I slowly stand up but feel Jacob pick me up and carry me to my car and place me down in the passenger seat. I watched him run around to the other side of my car and watched him get in the driver's seat. He drove me home. I rubbed my hands together and blew hot air into my hands.

He parks at my dad's house as I shiver seeing Bella's truck and Cullen's car. "They are back.." I mumble getting out as I run inside seeing Alice as she looks at me shocked. "You're alive!! Also what's that awful wet dog smell" She says running over to me and tries to hug me but I move away from her as she sees Jacob.

I know that's probably rude of me but I was still hurt with them all they left without saying bye or anything. I looked up seeing Bella with a bag as she looked at me shocked like she saw a ghost. "Lily…go pack a bag you are going with Bella and me to Italy to save Edward!" Alice says and I nod running up to my room and change into different clothes.

Once done getting changed and packed I ran downstairs with a bag with two books and some clothes

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Once done getting changed and packed I ran downstairs with a bag with two books and some clothes. I cringed a bit hearing Jacob and Bella's conversation. I quickly walked away seeing Alice looking at me sadly.

I walked outside with Bella and Alice as I placed my bag into the backseat and got inside as I put on the seatbelt before Alice could protest about me not sitting next to her. So Bella ended up sitting next to Alice as she drove to the airport.

I'm surprised we didn't get a ticket. To be honest she was speeding so fast I didn't want to listen to their conversation when I heard Bella ask why I came with. “Why did we have to bring her?” She asked Alice as i placed my headphone into my ear listening to Dean Lewis singing Be alright. Huh that’s kind of ironic knowing the situation I’m in right now. “She’s my mate, well she's all of our mates but Edward is blinded because of you he thinks you're his mate even though you're not!” Alice says, looking at me as she sighs, realizing I had my headphones in my ears.

I closed my eyes slowly, falling asleep. I slept for a good fw hours and when I woke up we were at the airport. “Come on love.” Alice says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the car. I wanted to protest but was too tired as I heard Bella scuffles. I frowned and grabbed my headphones off the seat and placed them back into my ears as I grabbed my bag and followed them into the plane.

Once we got onto the plane I was sitting in the middle of them both. Just my luck I pulled out my book and started reading Harry Potter. If I had to pick my favorite it would be Draco but Harry is adorable! I smiled happily as I could imagine what was happening in my head and giggled a bit. “What’s funny?” Bella asked as I shook my head reading still.

The whole ride I was either reading, sleeping or eating food. Ya i know boring as hell but there wasn’t much to do Alice is looking at magazines and Bella is snoring so loud. My real question is how the hell can anyone sleep with her being this loud, granted i snore but i've been told its not loud but small snores and sleep talking.

I’m glad the plane landed and wow Italy is so beautiful it kind of makes me not want to leave ever like ever. I pulled my bag behind me as me and Bella waited for Alice. “I hope you know Edward is not your mate he’s mine i would rather leave you here so we all don’t have to see you anymore” Bella says as i looked down at the ground tearing up a bit but whips it away. “Oh and the others don’t want to be your mat either!” She says adding on to the hurt and pain that I was feeling.

When Alice pulled up next to us it was a bright yellow car huh i wonder if she stole it. I placed my bag into the car and got into the backseat as I leaned back and played music in my headphones. "Where did you get the car?" Bella asked, looking at her, seeing a smirk on her face. " Hopefully you don't mind  grand theft auto." Alice says looking at me then at Bella  as she starts driving I quickly put on my seat belt.

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