Chapter 23

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“Please don’t do that, they are my family, I can't lose them. “ I said as Elena and then laughed cause Klaus was pouting a bit. “Okay fineeeee.” Klaus says as I smile leaning back in my seat listening to them arguing over random stuff. I missed them so much. I wish i was there with them as i see we pull up to the airport. “Got to go love you all.” I said, hearing them all say bye and love you too as we hung up.

I got out of the car and grabbed my bag walking into the airport waiting by the gate. As we got on I sat by the window and closed my eyes as my head was laid back against the seat, soon falling asleep as the others sat down waiting for the take off. I think I slept half of the way cause I woke up when I smelt the food being placed down in front of me.

I rubbed my eyes and started to eat my food happily but my mood was ruined by Bella and Edward kissing. I know he broke the bond but I still loved him and it hurt seeing him and her. I pushed my food away and put my headphones in listening to Halsey as it was playing Without Me. I looked out the window humming along to the music trying not to cry. I felt pathetic crying over someone that didn’t love me or care about our bond.

I got out of my seat and walked to the bathroom shutting the door locking it. I used the bathroom then flushed and washed my hands looking at the sink as I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I heard knocking on the door as I whipped away my tears opening the door and walked past the guy but stopped and looked at him. “Have we met before?” I asked, looking at him as he shakes his head. “I don’t think so ma’am.” He says in a British accent I nod my head walking back to my seat and sit down.

I looked at my ring and pulled out my phone calling Klaus but he didn’t answer the phone as I sigh looking over the seat. I saw the guy sit down next to a blonde-haired girl. Weird they remind me of Klaus. I guess I'll wait until he calls me back to ask if he has siblings. Once the plane landed me, Alice, Bella and Edward got off the plane. I looked ahead of me seeing the two walking as we walked outside to the sidewalk letting Alice go and get a car.

“Hello brother and sister.” A British voice says it sounded familiar. I looked around until I heard a honk seeing Alice get out of the car. “Love is that you?” The voice asked as I turned to see Klaus. I ran over tackling him into a hug as he chuckled. “What are you doing here?” I asked moving away as Klaus turned, pointing at his siblings. “This is my brother Elijah and my sister Rebekah.” He says as I waved to them smiling.

“So she's the one that is like your sister. It's nice to meet you.” Rebekah says as I nod to her. “Nice to meet you also.” I said as Edward clears his throat looking at them as I looked over at him. “This is Alice, Edward and Bella.” I said, pointing them out as Klaus smirks. “So she's the whore nice to finally meet you.” He says smirking as Edward growls at him. “Sir don’t try it my brother is quite strong and annoying he will break you like a twig.” Elijah says patting his brothers back and puts an arm around me whispering into my ear.

“My brother told me about you and the situation. Is this the family that hurt you so badly?” He whispers into my ear as I nod a bit. “Want us to kill them? Because I will you are a part of our family now so we will protect you” He says looking at me as Klaus and the others look at us. “No killing please.” I mumble as he nods looking at them all

Alice grabs my hand pulling me away from them. “We have to go, our family is waiting for us.” She says as I waved to them and gets into the front seat a bit upset that I had to leave them. “Why did you hug them?” Edward asked as I rolled my eyes looking out the window while Alice drove to our home. “I’m not a whore why tell them that you are the whore you have thirteen mates and hugging all over some guy and talking to other ones on your phone!” Bella says as my eyes tear up again.

I put my headphones on while listening to old classic rock music. “Bella stop now she’s not a whore!” Alice says driving to Bella’s house first as i watch as the trees all went by after we dropped Bella off Edward got out following her as Alice drove back to the house it wasn’t that long of a drive. She parked in front of the house and got out as I got out and followed her into the house as I saw the others. “Love!!!” Rosalie says hugging me softly as the others come over hugging me also.

“We need to talk.” Alice says as she walked me over to the couch as Jasper wrapped his arms around me holding me close to his chest. “What do we need to talk about and where’s Edward shouldn’t he be here to hear about our mate?” Carlisle says as Alice shakes her head. “He already knows…” She says as they nod their head waiting for her to continue.

“She’s mated to us but Edward broke that bond…and she's also mated to the Volturi kings and to the guards…they are not happy with how Lily has been treated.” Alice says, shocking everyone as Carlisle looked at me. “She’s special, it's very rare to be mated to thirteen vampires.” He says as he’s in deep thought i looked down embarrassed and started to play with my fingers.

Jasper rubs my back softly as i felt a wave of calmness wash over me like a blanket it made me feel better but also made me a bit tired from how relaxed i was feeling gosh i missed them all so much but i also miss the kings and guards along with Elena and them this is killing me. I thought back to the day I ran away and stayed with Klaus and Stefan. We did so much traveling but it was kind of fun traveling with Alice. I soon felt the sleep take over my body as my eyes slowly closed and snuggled into Jasper's side sleeping.

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