Chapter 16

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The shocking thing was that I slept peacefully throughout the whole night and when I woke up the room was still a mess. "Oops.." I said to myself and got up as I started to clean up the glass shards and broken woods. I glanced at my hand seeing a cut on my plum and my knuckles were all bloody.

Once I got done cleaning up I went to my clothes and picked out my clothes. It might sound crazy but I kinda wanna go out and eat which I never do but today I wanted to eat out! I go to the bathroom and turn on the water, getting undressed and standing under the warm water.

I washed my hair and body until I finished. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body. I started cleaning the wounds on my hand and knuckles then wrapped a bandage around my hand. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone seeing over seven missed calls and over twenty unread messages from dad. I groan and dry myself off then get dressed in some clothes.

When I got dressed I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet running outside and locked my room door then headed to my car opening the door

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When I got dressed I grabbed my keys, phone and wallet running outside and locked my room door then headed to my car opening the door. "I should probably see what dad wanted..but yet again it's probably about Bella soooo food first." I thought to myself and shrugged, getting into the driver seat and buckled up.

I put the key in, started the engine and put the car in reverse, backing out of my parking spot. Once I pulled out I put the car into drive and drove to the drive thru at Starbucks who knew that port angles had Starbucks here.I ended up buying me some breakfast and coffee I started eating my food as I drove to my father's house and called him.

I was halfway from the house and my father started calling as I sigh and answer the phone. "Hello?" I asked, hearing him sigh in relief. "Are you okay??? You didn't answer any of my calls or messages!" He asked as I looked at my bandaged up hand. "Ya I'm fine what's wrong?" I asked while driving still. "Well Edward broke up with Bella and left her in the middle of the woods they all left.." He says as I felt my heart break so her and Edward were dating..but they all left didn't say bye to me or anything.

"You there?" Dad asks as it breaks me out of my thoughts. "Ya I'm here and I'm almost to the house so I'll get off here." I said hanging up and kept driving and parked at the house taking a drink of my coffee and finishing my food off. "Obviously they didn't care about me..they would have said bye to me or wouldn't have left…" I sighed and got out of my car going into the house hearing moaning and shouting as I watched a naked guy run out of the house with dad not far behind with a gun.

"What the hell did I just witnessed?!" I asked, looking at dad and seeing Bella with only a blanket around her. "What the hell dad?! What the hell are you doing here?!" She yells mad glaring at me. "Go get dressed now Bells!!! Also hi sweetie where were you?" He asked, turning his attention back to me as I smiled a bit. "I was with a friend for a few days and I'm staying at a hotel for a while." I answered him as he smiled at me.

"Oh nothing much, just your sister sleeping with a random dude after her and Edward broke up." He says as I stared at him in shock and shakes my head. Why does she have to be like this? After a while she came back down fully dressed and looked at me. “You missed prom.” She said, smirking as I shrugged my shoulders. Honestly I'm glad I missed both proms. I would rather stay with Klaus and Stefan. Yes there were a lot of killings and that but it was nice hardly no drama or snobby sisters telling me what to do.

“I don’t really care about prom to be honest and I'm glad I missed it.” I said sitting there on the couch looking up at her as our dad was looking at us both. “You know they left because of you.” She says looking at me with a smirk on her lips frowned looking over at her. Wait, did they actually leave because of me? What did I do to make them hate me so much? I think to myself not knowing that the actual reason why they left was because Bella fake cut open her finger hoping to be turned on the day of her birthday

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