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I got done and walked down the stairs seeing Dad and a woman. I think she's mom because Bella just called her mom. I walked over as my two mates followed watching. "Hi dad!" I said hugging him as he hugs me back smiling he knows I'm pregnant. I told no one besides him, the Cullens and Bella.

"You must be Lily, you definitely got fatter since I gave you up for adoption when you were a baby." My mother said as I looked at her. "Hi Renee." I said as she looked at me then looked behind me. "Who are these men?" She asked as I was about to say something but got cut off by Marcus.

"She's our wife and she is beautiful no matter what. She is pregnant with our babies so treat my wife nice or there will be hell to pay." Marcus said as my mom looked shocked while my father laughed a bit watching.

"I love you so much Lily. I'm glad you found someone to make you happy and I'm glad you didn't get stuck with the Cullens." Dad said, whispering the last part into my ear.

I giggled, nodded my head and looked over at my mother. "You are a whore you know that your kids are gonna be just like you." She said as I thought back to what dad had told me.

"No I'm not a whore you cheated on dad then got rid of me if anyone will be like you is Bella she fucks everyone she sees." I said walking away as my mates were laughing and followed me outside as I sat down at my seat with Marcus and Alec sitting beside me.

"So I'm your guy's wife." I said looking at them smiling as Marcus chuckles nodding. "Yes love you are our wife even if we are not married yet you will always be our wife." He says, kissing my head as I smiled and watched the wedding.

I watched the whole wedding until it was over I went and was standing by the food hungry. I picked out some and walked back over to the table sitting down between Marcus and Alec as I started to eat. Marcus was busy on the phone arguing with Caius and Aro about what happened.

I couldn't help but think what if Bella gets pregnant and do what she does cause she didn't have anyone besides her mother…but then I thought what if she does what mom did to me by giving me up to adoption…I groaned annoyed causing them to look at me.

"Princess what's wrong?" Alec asked worriedly as I shake my head. "Just thinking about what if Bella has a baby…" I said laying my head down on Alec's shoulder. "Well love of that's the case use your magic so she can't get pregnant." Marcus said looking at me as I shake my head.

"I wanna be an aunt…though if she does have a baby and tries to get rid of him or her let's adopt him or her." I said as Marcus chuckles. "I love how sweet you are to everyone." He said kissing me softly as I kissed him back and pulls away.

I pecked Alec's lips then went back to eating my food until it was gone and stands up. "Can we go home?" I asked as they nodded their heads. Bella and Edward was about to leave but Bella walked over to me. "I can't believe you said all of that to our mother.." Bella said as I looked at her.

"She's not my mother she never was my real mother was Jenna just like my real sister is Elena and I have an awesome brother Jeremy….I even have mates that love me and they are my family my only family i have that cares about me." I said smiling as she slapped me.

"You can't replace your family!" Bella said mad as I sighed looking at her then at Edward. "Well no I can't but family doesn't have to be blood." I said as Marcus and Alec came back. "What happened to your cheek?!" Marcus asked looking at Bella and Edward mad. "Let's go home karma will get them!" I said walking over to Alec as he was mad also.

Alec picked me up off the ground as Marcus walked over to me. They took off running back to Italy. I couldn't wait to get home and be with all of my mates. I miss them so much I watched the sky looking at all of the stars.

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