Chapter 28

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I watched as Jane and Alec walked over to me I took this as my chance to run over and tackle them both into a hug. I never realized how happy I was to see them both. "Where are the others?" I asked, looking up at her pouting. "They sent me and my brother to check on our beautiful- WHO DID THIS TO YOUR NECK?!" Jane says but stops when she sees my neck as that made her yell loudly.

I flinched a bit watching as she looked over at them all. "Why is our mate hurt?!" Alec says as I saw a black mist form around him I quickly grabbed their hands stopping them both. "Don't it's okay really I shouldn't have made him mad it's my fault " I said looking up at them.

"No princess, they hurt you and I'll hurt them." Jane says, touching my cheek as I lean my head against her hand. "I'm fine I promise." I said as she kissed my head as Alec held me to his chest. "Keep working Cullen's but we are not leaving our mate after the war is over we are gonna have a talk." Alec says still holding me to him.

I looked over seeing all of the Cullen's nodding their heads as I sat back down on the ground between Jane and Alec feeling safer in their arms as they watched them train as I looked up at Alec seeing him watching me as I blushed and looked away. I looked down at my book feeling my heart beat faster shit I need to calm down why am I acting like this?! Is it because I haven't seen them in a while?

I felt someone grab my chin turning my head as I saw Jane looking at me as she leaned down kissing me and I felt myself calm down. I kissed her back shyly as I stayed near them both. I slowly pulled away from the kiss and snuggled into her side as Alec chuckled. "Do I not get a kiss also princess?" He asked as I shyly looked up at him and kissed him. I felt him pull me closer to his chest as we heard someone clear their throats as I pulled away hiding my face on his chest.

"What Bella?" He asked glaring at her as he held me close to him. "C-can I talk to my sister alone please." She asked as I looked up at her thinking of what I should do. After debating it for a bit I got up and followed her over to the parked cars.

"Don't tell them who hurt you I don't want my boyfriend to die because of you being a whore " Bella says as I look at her and sighs looking away. "I'm no whore…" I said as I started to walk away but she grabbed my arm. "Yes you are, you are making out with the two guards while your mates are here, you're a whore." She says walking away from me as I stand there thinking about what she said. Am I really a whore…I can't believe myself why would I do this.

I looked at the trees and they must think I am one but I'm mated to them all so how can I be a whore if that's the case ugh why do I have to deal with this?! No one else has to deal with having this many mates. What am I supposed to do? I soon felt someone back hug me as I looked up seeing Jane and Alec. "What's wrong princess?" Jane asked as I shook my head. "Just thinking." I said looking at them.

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