Chapter 14

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Carlisle Pov

I got off work and headed home after a long day of being in the hospital. I noticed Lily’s car missing. I was confused and parked the car getting out and walked up to the door but saw a paper. I pick it up reading it and run into the house seeing Edward and Jasper. “Guys stop!!! What is going on?” He asked, looking at everyone.

“Well Edward invited Bella over tomorrow and on sunday! Our mate is hiding in her room.” Rosalie says with her arms crossed as I looked at her then at the others. “Well I can tell you that she's not in her room..” I said as they all ran into her room having to break open the locked door and didn't see Lily anywhere.

They all ran back down asking me so many questions as I showed them the letter. “She ran away, she thinks we are fighting because of her and that she thinks she ruined our family by coming into our lives!” I said sadly and sat down.

I could tell they all were sad and they would be crying by now if it wasn't for us being vampires. “W-what are we going to do..?” Esme asks, looking at her husband sad. “I-i can't lose our mate!!” Alice says hugging Jasper as the others agree. “I hope our princess is okay and will come back to us..” I said, sighing as the others nod.

Lily Pov

After driving a long while I soon made it to the bar and parked outside of it biting my lip, nervous about what would happen. I turned off my car and got out walking inside seeing dead bodies. I covered my mouth as tears fell soon hearing a British accent voice.

“Hello love.” Klaus says as I look up at him. “W-where is Stefan?!” i asked stuttering as he walks to me looking me up and down with a smirk on his lips

“He should be here anytime now. You made a good decision coming here to save your poor brother Stefan and you were even in love with Damon but he picked Elena over you. How about you become mine?” He asks smirking and goes to touch my hand as Stefan grabs his hand pulling it away from my face before he could touch me. “Don’t touch her.” Stefan says pulling me behind him holding me close to him as I grip onto the back of his shirt.

“I’m sorry for bringing you into this Lily..” Stefan says as I hug his back. “It's okay Stefan…i would rather be here right now anyways.” I said, looking at him as we heard someone sigh. “Okay since the happy family is together, let's head to the apartment.

I'm tired from the killings.” Klaus says walking out to my car as me and Stefan follows him outside. “How did you know that’s mine?” I asked as he shrugged, taking my keys and opening the door, getting in as I got into the back seat, letting him drive to the abandoned apartment.

When we arrived I had been falling in and out of sleep all i felt the car stop and opened the car door about to get out until i feel myself being lifted up out of the car snuggling into the chest tiredly. “Shhh it's okay Lily sleeps.” Stefan says as I nod and slowly falls asleep in his arms as he carries me into a room.

He lays me down on the bed and covers me up as I shiver from the coldness as he was about to lay next to me but Klaus stops him and lays down beside me and holds me close against his chest, sighing annoyed a bit.

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