Chapter 17

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So I've been staying with dad and Bella because dad needed help with controlling her. He doesn't wanna leave her alone. At times I would leave and stay with Elena and sometimes I stayed with Klaus or with Stefan. Klaus is like my best friend even though he's still after Elena. I was running down the stairs to leave for the week but got stopped by Bella. "I know i haven't been the best sister but lets hangout please i wanna make it up to you!" She says as dad smiles watching us. Great, I have to say yes knowing dad probably wants us to get along. Fuck it!

"Ya sure why not let's go and hang out." I said walking out with her and getting into my car as she got into her truck. I decided to follow her instead of being in the same truck as her. I drove behind her and soon pulled up to a mall. I parked the car and waited for her as we headed into the mall. We were looking at clothes and other random things that caught my attention were the maze runner books. I'm in love with these books.

I bought all the maze runner books and carried the bag. Soon finding Bella getting clothes I walked over and got me some new clothes. Alot of the clothes reminded me of Alice and Rosalie. They would have loved to go shopping with me. They wanted to take me with them to shop for clothes. I shake my head pushing away the thoughts and buy the clothes as Bella pays for her stuff. "Let's go get some food. I have something awesome planned!!" She says as I nod , agreeing I was feeling hungry.

I followed her over to a restaurant as we sat down at a table and looked through the menu. "What do you have planned?" I asked curiously as I glanced up at her then back at the menu. "You will have to wait and see. Jacob told me about it!" She says happily as I nod my head smiling at her. I see the waiter come over to us and we tell them what we wanted to eat and drink. I sat back in my chair and got out my book reading it as my phone went off.

Damon: Hey how are you doing?
Elena: Lily!!!
Bonnie: Are we just gonna keep blowing up her phone?
Caroline: Wait, why would we blow up her phone?!
Stefan: She wasn't meaning that!
Elena: LILY!!!!!
Me: I'm here! Geez guys i'm out at the mall with Bella
Damon: The bitch Bella?
Bonnie: Has the one family come back yet?
Me: Nope also my food is here talk to you all later!!

I placed down my phone and started to eat my food. I got hamburgers and fries while Bella ate Salad don't ask me. I have no clue why she only picked that but oh well. I took a drink of my Pepsi then finished eating my food. Once we got done I threw away our trash and went out to the parking lot.

I opened the car door and placed the bags into the back seat and looked at her. "Make sure you follow me!" Bella says as I nod my head at her. "Will do just lead the way!!" I said smiling and got into my car as I buckled up waiting for her to get into her car. I put my key in and started the engine as she did the same.

I put my car into drive as I followed behind her truck as i had music playing Kansas Carry on my wayward son started to play. "Carry on, my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more Once I rose above the noise and confusion Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion I was soaring ever higher But I flew too high Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man I hear the voices when I'm dreaming I can hear them say Carry on, my wayward son There'll be peace when you are done Lay your weary head to rest Don't you cry no more." I sang my heart out as much as I could. I always loved this song. It was one of my favorites by Kansas.

I soon parked my car beside Bella's truck and got out looking around confused but was amazed by the beautiful scene in front of me as I watched the birds fly by. It would be so cool to fly just like them. I wish I could fly. I thought smiling as Bella took my hand leading me up to a cliff. "Why are we up here?" I asked as she pouted a bit. "I wanna have fun and have a rush of adrenalin. I feel like every time I do this I see Edward.." She says and I couldn't help but to think damn she's crazy as hell but I get where she's coming from. I miss them all so much.

"I know but it's dangerous." I said as she nodded. "Jacob knows people that do cliff diving and they are all fine." She says sighing and moves closer to the edge causing me to go next to her to move her away from the edge. "This is crazy and I'm not letting you get hurt." I said looking at her. Yes I know she's been a bitch to me but I can't let dad lose her.

I grabbed her hand to pull her away from the edge but instead of her falling she pushed me off the cliff. I know I said I wish I could fly like birds. This was not what I meant!!! All I heard when she pushed me was her voice. "I know it's dangerous but it's easy to get rid of you." She said and that was the last thing I heard when I hit the water below me. I'm glad I know how to swim so I did just that.

I swimmed up just as a wave came crashing down on me knocking me back under the water. But I didn't give up so I kept swimming up only to feel someone grab my ankle and pull me back under the water. It was someone with orange hair. I kicked my legs but it was no use. My legs and arms were tired. My eyes started to get heavy. It felt like I was dying as my eyes closed. All I saw was blackness and felt the darkness consume me.

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