Chapter 13

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I slowly woke up early in the morning as it was Friday. I got out of bed rubbing my eyes and looking around the room tiredly. "Morning sweetie! I got you some cute clothes!" Alice says walking in the room and over to me. "Thanks Alice!" I said going to her, and grabbed the clothes going into the bathroom and changed.

 "Thanks Alice!" I said going to her, and grabbed the clothes going into the bathroom and changed

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I soon finished changing and brushing my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs seeing Esme putting food onto the table. "Morning Hun come and eat you are riding with Edward to school" she says as I nod my head walking over and sit down as I start to eat the food loving the taste.

Once I finished eating the food I hugged Esme and Carlisle then put on my shoes and shocks, grabbing my bag as I ran outside to the car seeing the others waiting for me. I smile and run over. "Darling, be careful, don't want you getting hurt." Jasper says as I blush and nod my head I feel each one of them kiss my head until Edward grabs my hand and opens the passenger side door.

"My lady." Edward says smirking at me as I was blushing more and gets into the car buckling up in the seat. I smile shyly as he shuts the door and uses his vampire speed to get over to the driver seat and opens his door getting inside as he starts driving to the school. I couldn't help but to think about Bella and think back to that night when we were walking to the bookstore.


We were walking down the road to the bookstore. "What are you gonna get and I thought you hate reading." I said, looking at her as she rolls her eyes at me and smirks. "I almost died in a car and Edward saved me! I think he loves me and I think he's not human!" She says, biting her lip. I tensed up listening to her but for some reason I felt heartbroken. I slowly looked up at her trying not to get emotional. "I want you to stay away from him and his family. They don't like you at all, they are just trying to be nice to you." She says smirking again and looks at me as we soon arrive at the bookstore. I quickly walked in looking for the Harry Potter books.

~End of flashback~

I saw a hand waving in front of my face. "Hey you okay?" Edward asks as I just realized that I had tears falling down my cheeks. I whipped away the tears and nodded my head. "Ya i'm fine just thinking about my aunt." I said lying as he was staring at me. "You know you can tell me anything right?" He asked as I nodded my head and got out of the car as Alice hugs me then Rosalie hugs me. I hugged them both back then hugged the others as well seeing Bella looking at Edward seeing him start to walk away. "Edward, where are you going you can't be serious!" Rosalie says glaring at him.

So he is going after her. Maybe she was right. Who would love me anyways they will probably leave me once she and him get together. I watched him walk away with her to the woods seeing that the others were distracted. I walked away heading into the school and into the library my favorite place for some reason no one was ever in here besides me or Jasper. I sat down on the couch that was in there and started to read my book happily feeling myself slip into that world of fantasy. It was the perfect escape for me.

I read my book until Jasper and the others walked in and sat down next to me causing me to look up at them. "Darling what's wrong you disappeared from us." Jasper says as I sigh, biting my lip looking at him and the others. "W-well my sister said Edward saved her from a car a-and she said that he loves her and that i should stay away from you all." I said as some frowned and the others looked mad. "Don't listen to her, it's not true!" Alice says hugging me where I sat as I hugged her back feeling a bit better. "O-okay i won't." I said smiling shyly as I snuggled into her chest until they all heard the school bell ring singling that it was time for first period.

I got up and put away my books and left for my first class. I went through the whole day not seeing Edward or Bella. I couldn't shake that feeling that they are probably in love or something. Maybe she was right. I sat by his Edwards car waiting for him but didn't see him show up. I looked up seeing Jasper and the others and stood up. "C-can i ride with you and Alice?" I asked Jasper, seeing him nod his head. "Ya im sorry he's taking forever." Jasper says kissing my head as he helps me into the car heading back to their place.

Once we arrived I got out and headed inside seeing Esme placing food down. "Hi sweetie, I hope you're hungry!" she says as i nod my head placing my bag on the couch and sits down at the kitchen table. "Thanks, it looks all good!' I said smiling and started to eat as Edward showed up freaking out. "I lost Lily!!" He says running in but stops when he sees me and calms down. "I'm so sorry Lily, I got caught up in something also Esme...Bella knows and she's coming over tomorrow and on Sunday for the baseball game..." He says walking to me but Jasper stops him causing everyone to look at them both.

"You invited her here while our mate is scared of her?!" Jasper yells causing me to tear up not wanting them to fight because of me as I see Jasper punch him. I stood up when Edward punched him back. I couldn't keep watching as I ran upstairs and slammed the door shut locking it as I sat down crying to myself. I sniffle thinking to myself. "S-so he does like her.." I hear my phone and sees its Stefan calling me. I answered my phone hearing him talk. "L-lily..." He says I could tell he's in pain. Elena told me that he drank human blood and I'm worried about him. "H-hey Stefan you okay?" I asked as I heard him chuckle a bit. "A-are you crying? Who hurt you?!" He asks as I smile. He was always protective of me; he saw me as his little sister. "Just stuff...I miss you all so much.." I said as I sigh softly looking at my ring. "Klaus said if you don't meet us at a bar he will kill me..." Stefan says as my eyes widened and got up I knew it was a trap but i can't let him die.

I grabbed my keys and went outside. I was kinda glad they weren't paying attention to me. They were busy stopping Edward and Jasper from killing each other. I climbed over the deck and climbed down the tree running to my car. I wrote on a paper telling them how sorry I am for ruining their family and for coming into their life. I place it on Emmet's car and runs back to mine getting in and drives off looking at the address I got from Stefan as I place it into the maps.

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