Chapter 22

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“Just know Bella has a year to get changed and if you all hurt her or anything we will bring her back with us she will live with us forever and you all will live in misery not being able to mate with anyone else you all will never be happy again.” Aro said as Caius walked over to me pulling me out of Alice's arms and kissed me on the lips making me shocked at first but shyly kissed back before moving away as I looked down placing my ring back onto my finger.

Marcus walked over pecking my lips softly as Aro came over doing the same thing as I smiled at them and walked over to Alice. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would pop out of my chest. I felt Alice grab my hand and lead me out of the room before the others had a chance to kiss me. I pouted a bit. I really was hoping to kiss the others but I kept walking until we all made it out to the car.

Edward and Bella sat in the back while I sat in the front. I looked out the window at the place we were just in. Is it a bad thing that I wanna stay and be with them? They haven't hurt me or anything like the Cullens and Hales have done to me. I looked in the backseat seeing Edward looking at me while cuddling with Bella. I reached back and grabbed my phone, turning back around as I saw a lot of missed calls from Elena and them.

Me: Sorry that i didn’t answer you guys!
Elena: I was so worried you almost gave me a heart attack!!!
Damon: She was going crazy, how are you and those vampires?
Me: Well bella pushed me off a cliff i ended up meeting the kings in Italy along with their guards oh and im mated to thirteen vampires..

I noticed that no one was answering now, causing me to pout as I put my phone away looking out the window but heard my phone ringing as Elena’s ringtone started to play with fire man. I love that song. I pulled out my phone and answered it. “Hellooooo.” I said in a singing way. “YOU HAVE THIRTEEN MATES?!!” Elena, Caroline and Bonnie yell into the phone making me pull it away from my ear. Well if i wasn’t deaf i am now after that.

I put the phone back up against my ear. “Ya i do and damn you guys are loud.” I said giggling as Bella was staring at me jealous that I'm on the phone with friends. “Have you lost your virginity yet to them or to the kings?” Damon asked, smirking causing me to blush bright red knowing Alice and Edward heard. “Damon, the next time I see you I'm gonna stake you in the chest with wood.” I said embarrassed. Is it sad that I can imagine Edward smirking behind me? That's why I won't turn around to see because he could be smirking over this conversation.

“Come on, you have to tell us the smutty details!” Caroline says as i shaked my head remembering that they can't see me. “No details to tell it never happened and probably won’t.” I said she said the same things to Elena when she met Stefan. “Don’t be scared you need to jump on it or i can i mean they are probably all hot.” She says as I sighed. “Someone stop her from talking anymore pleaseeeee.” I said whining as they all laughed

“Hello love, how are you doing?” A voice says as i realized it was Klaus wait a minute why are they all together?! “Hi Klaus i'm okay how are you and what are you doing at the boarding house?” I asked as he chuckled a bit. “Im good love and ya i'm letting them have a small break from me trying to kill them so im aloud to be here if im not killing them.” Klaus says as I giggle a bit.

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