Chapter 25

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I was watching my movies happily until I hear me being called for by Esme. "Sweetie, come and eat!" She says as I get up and walked into the kitchen as I started to eat my food I missed he's cooking. I wonder if the kings cook for humans.

I kinda wanna try the kings food. It seems like it would be nice and something new for them. They are probably tired of the same thing over and over again. I felt myself get brought out of my thoughts when the others came home letting them take turns to hug me. It was nice being around them all after so long.

After a few days passed of me being with them all I kept having the same dreams about the kings and guards but it changed each time it was always a different person making love to me.

It's kind of weird. I never had those kinds of dreams before but it was a good change besides having to take a shower every morning. That part was annoying but I didn't want them knowing about it. I would be too embarrassed if they knew.

I was in the living room playing video games against Emmett and fun fact I was beating him at it! I was actually gonna win. I never won a video game before. Jeremy always beat me at video games hell even Stefan and Damon beats me at it and they are old as hell.

If you are wondering, yes I called them old. I mean they are old in vampire years. I hear the door open as I looked over to see Bella and Edward walking into the room. "We need to protect Bella, Victoria is after her and the missing kid was in her room." Edward says, looking at us.

I guess someone has been turning people into vampires and made a new vampire army. We all looked at Bella then at Edward as we looked away going back to doing our own things.

"Guys please!!!" She's my girlfriend, help me!" Edward says as Carlisle sighs, giving in. "Fine we will help but our love stays out of it." He says as Bella scuffles a bit. "He went into her old room so they are after her as well." Bella says as I looked at her in shock.

"Why after me I wasn't here when you decided to go and try to get yourself killed!" I said, pouting as Edward glared at me. I quickly looked down at my hands when he looked at me like that.

~Short chapter heading to bed night everyone ~

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