Chapter 31

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I looked up hearing the door open as I looked over at the woman. “Your food is ready.” She says to me as I nod my head and try to move away only to be pulled back into Marcus' chest making me giggle. “I have to go eat.” I said pouting at him as they chuckled. “Love you are so adorable when you pout makes me wanna devour you.” Caius said smirking at me as I blushed bright red and looked at Aro for help but he was also smirking along with Marcus.

“Janeeee Alec!” I said blushing still as they both came over to me. “Yes princess?” Jane says, looking at me as I mouth. ‘Save me please.’ I saw them both smile and nod their heads. “KIngs our mate is hungry we should let her go eat now.” Alec says, holding out his hand for me.

I take his hand and get out of their arms. I honestly didn't want to get out of their tight hold but I was hungry. I held his hand following him and Jane to the kitchen as the kings and the other guards followed us into the kitchen. I sat down at the table looking at the sandwich excitedly.

I started to eat my food humming as it was so good. I wonder how Jasper and them are. I know it's silly of me to wonder that but I can't help it. "My love, are you okay?" Aro asked as I looked up at him nodding. "Ya I'm just thinking." I said, smiling at him as he nodded.

"Do you always wear gloves?" I asked, looking at his hands. "Ya I do love it stops me from seeing people's pasts and future." He answers as I nod pouting it must suck having to wear gloves all the time. I thought while eating as I heard my phone ringing.

I picked up my phone seeing Elena was calling me. I answered the phone by putting it in speaker. "Hello!" I said eating still as I heard someone sigh in relief. "I should kick your ass! Your dad called saying you ran away and had no clue where you were because you weren't answering anyone's calls or messages!!" Elena says as my mates growl hearing her say that to me.

"Elena I'm sorry I forgot to tell you…I left because Edward choked me for slapping Bella…" I said as I sat there. "Are you fucking serious?!" Stefan asked mad over the phone. "Yaaaa now I'm in Italy with my other mates.." I said taking a bite of my sandwich. "I'm gonna kill Edward…Klaus wanna help me!!!" He yells as I hear Klaus and his brother agree to help, causing me to giggle a bit.

"Wait! You're with your other mates, do you have any smutty details?!" Caroline asked as I blushed bright red. "C-caroline!!! They can hear you!!" I said, hiding my face. "Oh hiii Lily's mates I'm Caroline I'm her vampire friend and the others are kinda like her vampire siblings!" Caroline says as Bonnie giggles.

"Lily, have you been practicing your magic?" Bonnie asked as I sighed. "No….just once or twice." I said embarrassed. "Okay well keep practicing! We have to go before Damon comes out of the room he's drunk because Elena won't leave Stefan for him…" She says as my eyes widen. "Okay bye!!!" I said quickly about to hang up.

"No Damon, give it back!!" Bonnie says as I groan. "Lily ... .I love you, please come back to me…" Damon says as I face palmed my face. "Damon you are only saying that because you got turned down by her and I'm happily taken by my mates now I have to go…" I said hanging up

Caius looked at me smirking a bit but was also mad. "So love they wanna hear about smutty details and if that Damon person touches you I'll kill him understand." He says holding my chin makes me look at him as I nod my head. "Good girl." He says kissing me as I blush kissing him back.

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