Chapter 19

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I sat there in the backseat reading my book glancing out the window every now and then. I wasn't joking when I said Italy was beautiful. I looked at Alice and Bella feeling hungry as hell. “I’m hungry.” I said whining as Bella glared at me. ”Shut up, you don’t need food, you are fat enough.” she says to me

"Bella stop being so mean to her!" Alice says driving as we got closer to the Volturi. "When is he doing it?!." Bella asks, looking at Alice as she looks at the time. "Noon Bella you are gonna have to run!" Alice says pulling over as we couldn't get through the crowd Bella got out and took off running. "They are all wearing red." I mumbled to myself as I got out with Alice seeing her fully covered.

"Come on, follow me love." She says, wrapping her arm around mine and drags me along. I quickly stopped and ran back grabbing my book that I was reading then ran to her, hugging my book. I only did that because i don't wanna hold onto her and because i had a feeling it might be boring. "Really you went back for the book love?" She says as I nod proudly.

"Yup in case it gets boring." I said walking in with her. "Come on guys it's a festival we don't wanna cause a scene!" Alice says, smiling happily as one of the guys looks at her. "There is no scene." One of the bigger guys said I'm not gonna lie he looked like he had the same muscles as Emmett. I looked over at Edward seeing him shirtless and Bella clinging to him for dear life. It made me want to cry my eyes out he didn't acknowledge that i was here it was like i didn’t exist

"Bella, take Lily and go out.." Edward says looking at her then at me. "They are coming with.” The smaller guy says as Edward puts on a robe. I pulled out my book and started to read again until I heard high heels throughout the place. I looked at the door and saw a girl with blonde hair. "What's taking forever?" She asks, looking at them all.

"Well I'm gonna follow her because I'm curious so bye!" I said walking to her but got pulled back back Bella gripping tightly on my wrist causing me to whine at the sudden movement. We all started following her. I looked around at all of the beautiful decorations. After walking for a good few minutes we arrived at an elevator. I walked in and stood in front of the taller guy and looked up at him feeling small. "Damn you're taller than Edward…" I mumble seeing him chuckle and look away causing the girl with blonde hair to look over at me. This might sound weird but I feel a connection with them.

Once the elevator opens we walk out and walk over to a big hole on the ground. "Yaaaa imma die or i might fly like a bird again" I said looking inside when I saw Jane jump down. "You won't die, I'll catch you, I promise love." Alice says jumping down as I watched I looked over at Edward and Bella seeing him pick her up. I felt my eyes get watery me she was right about everything. I was about to jump into the hole but felt someone pick me up and hold me. I noticed it was the taller guy. I hid my face on his shoulder as tears fell down my cheek. My heart felt like it was breaking but I was caught off guard when the taller one jumped down. I didn't scream or anything, I just cling to him. I smiled a bit hearing Bella screaming from the fall. When we landed I got out of his arms and saw Alice looking at me. “What did you do to her?” Alice asks, looking at him as he looks annoyed. 'Nothing now walk.” He says

The girl with blonde hair sighs and walks over to me leaning down as she grabs my hand holding it causing Alice to growl at the girl. Soon Bella and Edward came down along with them. I looked at Alice then at Bella and Edward. They both looked shocked but Edward looked pissed for some reason.  "Let's go, the masters are waiting."  The girl with blonde hair says, still holding my hand as she pulls me along. "Why is Jane holding Lily's hand?" Edward asks Alice as she shrugs as she can’t see my future due to my ring being on my finger.

Once arriving at the big door I felt her let go of my hand as Alice took the chance to grab me and pull me close to her. "Stay away from them, they are dangerous love." Alice whispers into my ear they didn't seem dangerous to me, they seemed sweet and nice but I have been wrong before so I nodded to her and followed them into a big open area. I stood behind Alice, Edward and Bella as I looked at my book while reading it while waiting. "Ahh so your mate is alive after all aren't you glad we didn't kill you?" One of the voices said from the front of the room

"She smells really good, it must be very hard to be around her." The same voice says as Edward nods his head slowly. "Yes but it's worth it.." He says as the guy walks up to Bella holding out his hand once he takes off his glove. "Hand dear." He says as Bella hands it to him. "Hmm I don't see anything at all Jane be a dear." He says as Jane nods looking over at Bella but Edward pushes her to Alice and he screams in pain causing me to look up and hide behind Alice more. What I saw were three handsome guys. Well, at least I'll die by hot guys.

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