Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up stretching. It was Saturday and it's the day that me and Bella go with her friends to port angeles. I didn't want to go at all but my sister being the jerk decided to invite me and her friends agreed. I got up and went into the bathroom and shut the door as I undressed and turned on the shower as I got into the warm water feeling it woke me up more.

I washed my hair with shampoo and conditioner then rinsed my hair out and washed my body once I was done. I grabbed a towel and turned off the water wrapping the towel around my body then one around my hair as I walked to my room and shut the door.

I grabbed my phone and put on music as I dried myself off and grabbed clothes out from my closet then got dressed humming along to the music. When I got dressed I brushed my hair then head to the kitchen still listening to music not seeing my dad or sister.

 When I got dressed I brushed my hair then head to the kitchen still listening to music not seeing my dad or sister

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I grabbed eggs out and started to make myself some breakfast. "Fight so dirty but you love so sweet talk so pretty but your heart got teeth late night devil, put your hands on me and never, never, never ever let go." I said singing along with the music dancing around happily.

I turned around seeing Bella recording me while smirking. "You have to do anything I say or I'll post this everywhere." She says as I sigh looking away why does she have to be like this I thought as I went back to making the food.

When I got done with the food I placed it on plates and handed her one as I sat down and started to eat. I really didn't want her posting me singing and dancing. I only ever sing and dance when no one is around because I'm embarrassed that they would make fun of me.

After eating our food she made me do the dishes and made me clean the house. I'm gonna kick her ass for this I swear! While cleaning up I saw pictures of Bella with Mom and pictures of Dad and Bella. "They looked so happy without me…" I mumbled to myself looking at the pictures still. "That's because we all were happy without you in our life." She says as I tear up looking back at the pictures hearing the front door open. "Oh thank you girls for cleaning the house." Dad said as I nod my head standing up.

I quickly walked up the stairs but stopped. "Dad, me and Lily are going shopping." Bella says grabbing my arm and pulls me out with her as I see Jessica pull up. I got into the car sitting in the back as I looked out the window during the whole drive ignoring them. I wonder if I would survive if I rolled out of the car. I mean I couldn't die if I tuck and rolled right? I just wanted to get out and walk home. I better not try that at all instead I pulled out my phone and texted Elena and Bonnie.

Me- If I tucked and rolled out of a moving car will I die?
Elena- Ya it depends on how fast they are going why?
Bonnie- Use a spell that could protect you!
Me- my sister took a video of me singing and dancing. She made me cook her food, wash the dishes then made me clean the whole house. I found pictures of Mom and dad with Bella and they looked so happy without me and she said they were…
Elena- I'm kicking her ass!!!
Bonnie- I'll help with that
Me: She's trying everything to get rid of me. I have to go we are in Port Angeles. They are making me go dress shopping.

Once I put my phone away I got out of the car looking around as I walked with them heading into a dress store. I looked around the store smiling at the dresses I have to buy one for here but I have one for my prom at my old school. Yes, I'm going to both proms because they are on different days.

I walked over to Bella and sat down while she was looking at stuff on her paper as some guys hit the glass window smirking at us all as I rolled my eyes looking at Jessica. "I like this one, it's cute. What do you think Bella?" She asks as Bella looks up at her. "Huh, ya looks good." Bella answers Jessica, rolls her eyes and looks at me. "It looks cute, you should get it." I said as Bella stood up. "Me and Lily are going to the book store. We will catch up with you guys at the restaurant." Bella says dragging me out and to the bookstore.

After a while of being in the book store I had bought all of the Harry Potter books. Yes, I'm a big fan of Harry Potter. I walked out of the bookstore and followed Bella down a road. "Are you sure this is the right way?" I asked looking around as I see her nod but I saw the guys from the dress store Bella told them something because they went after me instead of her welp I'm fucked.

"Hey babygirl you look amazing." One of the guys said touching me as I hit away his hand as the other guys came up grabbing me and pulled on my outfit. I kicked and hit them crying. "Help!!!" I yelled but felt one of them cover my mouth as if on cue a vehicle pulled up causing them to drop me to the ground and step away.

It was Edward and Jasper with Rosalie. "Get in the car now!" Edward says to me as I nod and get up grabbing my bag. I ran and got into the car sitting in the back as they got back into the car Edward drives at them making them back up then he drives away from them. "I should kill them…" Edward says as I sniffle. "N-no you shouldn't." I said as he chuckled, shaking his head. "I can hear their nasty thoughts." He said as Rosalie pulled me close to her chest. "W-where are we going?" I asked, looking at them rubbing my teary eyes.

"To our house we will call your dad and let him know you're staying with us for the night.what were you doing out there?" Rosalie asks as I look at her. "B-bella recorded me singing and dancing. She threatened to post it everywhere if I didn't do what she wanted and she took me to a bookstore. I bought Harry Potter books but when we were walking to the restaurant she took us down that way." I said looking at them

"I swear she's dead meat." Rosalie says growling as I touched her hand. "I-it's okie." I said hugging her. Once we arrived at the house I got out holding my bags as Jasper called my father letting him know where I was and that I would be staying with them.

I walked into the house as I got tackled by Alice as she cups my face in her hands. "Are you okay? We all were so worried about you!" She says as I giggled nodding and hugs her as I go into the kitchen seeing food on the table. "I figured you would be hungry hun." Esme says as I nod my head and sat down.

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