Chapter 26

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I sit there pouting upset that I got brought into this mess. I wasn't there when she went and tried to get herself killed by a homicidal killer vampire and Edward and then killed him and now the girlfriend is after Bella but why me?! I didn't do anything wrong. I looked at my ring thinking to myself I don't have anything at the other house or did I leave something behind?

I looked up at Bella. "I don't have anything at the house, how would they be after me?" I asked as she shrugged, having a smirk on her lips she must have stolen one of my things and left it at the house. "I don't know you're a whore maybe they are after you for that and you did leave something. It was your shirt." She says shrugging

I got up and walked over to her, slapping her as tears fell down my cheeks. "I'm not a whore and all you're doing is trying to get me killed so you can have the Cullens to yourself…you know what I'm leaving…" I said grabbing my keys and walked to the door as Edward ran over to me grabbing me by the throat slamming me against the wall causing me to cry out in pain.

Jasper comes running over and pushes Edward away from me hard as I fall down onto the ground crying and shaking in fear. "Never touch my mate ever again I will kill you!" He says as his eyes are black I sniffle slowly getting up. I touched my throat whining in pain and walked out of the house getting into my car.

I turned on my car and drove away when I saw them walking outside to stop me from leaving but I didn't care at the moment because I wanted to be far away from them. I kept driving as I pulled up to the hotel and parked the car. I looked into the mirror seeing a red mark on my neck as I bit my lip thinking about the kings and the guards. I should have stayed with them..they treated me so much better..

I get out of my car and walk up to the woman at the desk as I pay for a room. "Sweetie, are you okay?" She asked as I nodded my head at her. "Ya I'm fine." I said as I grabbed my keys and walked up to my room unlocking the door as I walked inside and lay down in the bed. I layed there snuggling into the cover as someone was knocking on my door. I got up and walked over, opening it as I saw Jasper and Emmett.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked, looking at them as I watched them walk in. I closed my door watching them. "We don't want you to be alone while they are out there and could hurt you." Emmett says as he hugs me.

Jasper softly kisses my head and smiles at me. "I'm sorry about your neck darling." He said, looking at my neck as I smiled at him. "It's fine." I said snuggling into Emmett's chest.

"We all love you, don't let Edward and Bella get to you. They don't deserve you or your happiness." Jasper says cupping my cheeks into his cold hands as I smile at him shyly. "You really mean that?" I asked as he nods his head at me

I looked up at him smiling happily. I felt better after hearing him tell me that as he leaned down kissing me softly as I kissed him back moving close to him. I slowly pull away and snuggle into his chest as my stomach growls a bit. "I'll get you some food, little one." Emmett says as I looked at him I was shocked a bit but made me miss the kings and guards more.

"Thanks Emmett." I said as he nodded walking out I crawled into the bed laying down as I felt a wave of calmness take over me. "Darling I can feel how sad you are. What's wrong?" He asked as I shrugged looking over at him. "I-i miss the kings and guards…" I said as he nodded listening to me.

"Well Carlisle called them to tell them about the newborn army and they all said that they missed you." Jasper says as I look up at him excited.

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