Chapter 4

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After a while of hanging out with Bella we hear Charlie yelling from the living room. "Foods here come eat!" He calls out as we get up and walk down the stairs seeing the pizza at the kitchen table. I sit down getting my food with Bella until we hear his phone ringing as he answers. "Hi doctor, anything?" He asks, sitting down listening and smiles looking at me then at Bella. "Okay thank you doc bye." He says hanging up. "You are my daughter. I have to call your mom and tomorrow we will get your last name changed after school." He says getting up and walks away calling his ex.

"Mom is gonna hear an ear full." Bella says leaning back as she starts to eat as I start to also look at everything. "Should I get my stuff from the other house and sell it?" I asked, looking at her as she nodded her head. "Ya I would say so sis." She says smiling as I see dad walk back in the room. "Okay so she said that I can adopt you but don't want anything to do with you I'm sorry kiddo…" He says as I smile softly. "It's fine…dad, thank you." I said as he smiles sadly but starts to eat.

Once me and Bella got done we ran over to my house grabbing my things and taking it back to the house placing it all in my new room watching dad take down some of his stuff. I walked away heading back over grabbing more stuff. "Man, I thought I didn't have this much stuff." I said as she giggled helping then came back placing the stuff down. I start to put together my room, fixing it all up.

 I start to put together my room, fixing it all up

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(Lily bedroom)

I smiled hugging Bella glad we finished as it was getting dark. "Do you wanna ride with me to school?" She asks as I think and nod my head. "Ya I would love that!" I said smiling as she nodded leaving the room going to hers. I shut my door and grab my PJs and change into shorts and a shirt then place it into my bin. I lay down yawning as I snuggle under the covers closing my eyes soon falling asleep

I was in a forest again walking around it seeing seven people with beautiful golden eyes walking to me but it was so dark and it was hard to tell what they looked like with it being dark outside. "P-please! Talk to me." I said in my dream but nothing was heard

I woke up hearing my phone ringing and whining while answering the call. "Hello?" I said laying up, turning on my light, rubbing my eyes. "You didn't say night to us." Damon says as I look at the caller ID then puts the phone by my ear. "dude why are you calling on Elena's phone?" I asked, looking at the time. "Because I don't have your number." He says putting it on speaker. "Sorry Lily!!" I hear Elena say as I smile softly laying back down. "Well I have school tomorrow also I found my real father and twin sister…" I said as I heard Bonnie and Caroline squeal.

"That's so cool!!" Caroline says as they were on their way to school. "Guys I'm in a different time zone than you all. I'm tired and wanna sleep but I'm living with them both now I love you guys and night!" I said about to hang up until I heard Stefan. "Don't take off your ring! Don't want bad people using you!" Stefan says as I hum in response slowly falling asleep as my phone falls down next to me as I roll over sleeping as Damon was still on the phone. "Uhhh hello Lily you there?" He asks but hears nothing and sighs. "She fell asleep." He says to the others as they laugh causing him to groan and hang up.

Once morning came I woke up to my alarm going off and hit the snooze button as I got up and went to the bathroom showering. I wash my hair and body. I turned off the water and got out wrapping a towel around me walking into my room and shut the door drying off. I walked over to my closet getting out clothes as I got dressed.

 I walked over to my closet getting out clothes as I got dressed

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