Chapter 3

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I kept driving looking around at all of the woods it's been a few hours of being on the road humming to the music as I pull up to my new house smiling as I noticed a guy with his daughter and one being in a wheelchair along with the other one looking like he was around the girls' age. I got out of the car and shut the door as the people were looking at me. I called Elena knowing she's with the friends. "Hey Elena I got to my house." I said walking to my door and unlocking it then goes over to my car, opening my trunk and the back seat.

I grab my stuff carrying it to the door. "I'm glad you're there safe! Wish we came with we could have helped out with everything." She says as I giggle carrying it into the house walking out. "It's fine I got it Elena." I said standing next to my car seeing them walk over. "Hey look Elena imma get off here because I have company." I said as I hung up and looked at them. "Hi im Charlie this is Bella, Billy and Jacob." He says pointing them out as I shake their hands. "Hi im Lilly." I said picking up my boxes. "You kinda look so familiar to me." Bella says. "I got that alot growing up." I said giggling as I carried the boxes in. "So what made you move here?" Billy asks, watching as I look at them.

"U-uhm well I moved here to get away from my old town and look for my real family…" I said coming out, grabbing my boxes still. "Well if you need help I can. I'm the chief of the police, just let me know." Charlie said as I looked at him shocked. "A-all I know is my mother and father are not together anymore. I have a twin sister and my father is also a chief of the police." She says as he nods, listening to everything.

"Okay! Well I'll let you know if anything comes up." He says as I nod my head Jacob comes up grabbing some boxes and helps me carry them in. "Thanks but you didn't have to help." I said walking in placing the boxes down. "It's fine you seem like you need the help." He says as we walk out of the house and back to the others as I see Bella and Charlie look at me. "Hey, are you okay with doing a blood test?" Charlie asks as I nod my head looking at them. "Ya but why?" I asked as they frowned a bit. "Follow me." He says as I follow him and Bella into their house a bit nervous.

"Here, sit down." He says pointing at the couch as I sit down watching him look through old pictures. "I was thinking about what you said and you look just like Bella here." He says pulling out a picture and hands it to me as I look at it shocked two babies one was named Lily Swan and Isabella Swan. I looked up at him with teary eyes. "I-i'll do the DNA test but if I am your daughter then why did you get rid of me?" I asked, tears falling. "I didn't want to but my ex wife did it without letting me know. Me and her were going through a divorce I tried looking for you but came up empty handed." He says as I sniffle

I got up and looked at them. "Let's do the DNA test!" I said as he nodded, walking out to the car with me and Bella. I wasn't gonna lie I'm nervous like very nervous. What if they weren't my family and it could be wrong or what if they are my family will things be different? I got into the back seat of the cop car and as me and Bella talked about our favorite stuff and that finding out we had a lot in common after driving to the hospital we all got out and walked in. "Is Dr. Cullen here?" He asks as the nurse shakes her head. "No sir, he's out for the day." She says as he sighs. "Okay well we need to do a DNA test on this one and us two." He says pointing at me then Bella and himself.

The nurse nodded and paged a doctor. Soon we were walking into a room and I sat down on the bed letting them take the DNA test with. Bella watches until it was her turn then her father's turn. "Okay it should be done later tonight we will call." The doctor says as we nod and get off the table walking out to the car. "Would you like to eat at our house and if you are my daughter then would you like to move in with us?" He asks as I nod my head listening. "Y-ya get to know you all." I said as I got in and smiled watching heading to the house. "So what should we have to eat?" Charlie asks as I think. "Pizza!" Me and Bella say at the same time as we giggle.

Once we got to the house Bella opened the door to let me out as we all walked into the house and sat down on the couch while her dad called the pizza place ordering. "I'm gonna show you my room" Bella says, grabbing my hand pulling me up as I follow her and looking around smiling. "Nice room." I said looking at her. "You would get Dad's office, he doesn't use it anymore." She says as I smile and nod sitting down. "Is tomorrow your first day of school?" I asked as she nodded her head. "Ya same as you." She says giggling as wait for our food to get here. "I hate new schools." I said as she nodded agreeing.

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