Chapter 9

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Once I got home after the long drive it was midnight I parked the car and got out walking into the house and upstairs to my room seeing Bella awake and on her computer. "I'm home." I said as she glared at me and looked away. I sigh and go to my room and fall down on my bed tired from what happened today. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep snuggling into my covers.

After sleeping all night I woke up to my alarm going off and got up walking into the bathroom and got undressed and got into the shower washing my body and hair until I finished and got out wrapping the towel around me as I dried off then got dressed.

I took off the bandaid looking at the fang bite marks and sighs cleaning it and whines in pain sighing softly while putting another bandaid on my neck and walks out of the bathroom going down the stairs and sees Bella waiting in the truck as I go ...

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I took off the bandaid looking at the fang bite marks and sighs cleaning it and whines in pain sighing softly while putting another bandaid on my neck and walks out of the bathroom going down the stairs and sees Bella waiting in the truck as I go over and get in.

I put my earphones in while she drives to the school humming along to the music as I see a message appear.

Damon- Can we talk about last night please?
Damon-come onnn talk to me
Damon-please Lily!

I sigh softly ignoring it all and look at the woods once I see the school. In the view of my sight I saw Edward's car at his normal parking spot. I smile seeing as Bella parks the car. I got out heading to them as I tackled Alice in a hug. I'm not gonna lie, I missed them and I don't really understand why. I hear Alice giggle and hug me before pulling away. "You're still coming over today right?!" She asks as I nod my head

"Ya!!' I said smiling as Jasper saw my neck and the bandaid he was about to ask what happened until Bella came up leaning against Edward. "Hi Edward where have you been?" She asks as I watch her. I sigh and walk away being followed by Alice as she grabs my hand and Rosalie grabs my other hand talking about clothes as I giggle.

~Skip to lunch ~

I walked over grabbing my food and headed to Cullen's table and sat down as they were all looking at me. "What's wrong?" I asked, looking at them. "What happened to your neck darling?" Jasper asks as I touch my neck sighing. "I got bitten by bugs last night on the way home." I lied but I think they didn't believe me. I was glad that they didn't ask anymore about it though as I started to eat my food looking at my ring remembering how I pushed Klaus away with a lot of force last night realizing it was from my powers.

I kept eating my food listening to them all talk. "We can watch movies tonight and have snacks! Lily, you should stay the night!!" Alice says, making me giggle and nod my head. "Okay I'll ask if I can!" I said to her smiling as the bell rings I get up and waves leaving as I go to my last class with Edward and Bella.

Once arriving I saw Bella sitting next to Edward trying to get his attention as he looked at me and smiled as I went to my seat next to James. Bella glares at me annoyed how Edward smiled at me or how his siblings seem to be so nice to me and only me.

"Hey bitch still talking to those freaks?" James asked as I ignored him, making him annoyed with me. I saw Edward tense up as he got up and went to the teacher talking to him. "Lily swan and Bella swan switch seats please." The teacher says as I look at him shocked but gets up and switches seats with Bella as Edward sits next to me glaring at James. "What's wrong Edward?" I asked as he looked at me and smiled. "Nothing, pay attention cutie." He says making me blush and looks at the teacher listening.

Once school was over I left the room with Edward as we saw the others by the car. "I have to go home and talk to dad and get clothes!" I said smiling as Alice nodded. "Okay! Edward can pick you up at your house!" She says as I nod my head and hug her and the others leaving. I get into the truck with Bella as she doesn't say anything to me and drives to the house. Once we arrived I got out and headed inside seeing dad's car still here. "Dad Alice Cullen wants me to stay the night with her, can I?" I asked, watching him look shocked at me. "Dr Cullen's kid?" He asks as I nod my head.

"Sure, be careful and safe." He says and I hug him running to my room packing a pair of clothes as Bella comes into my room. "So you're a whore? Going after Edward he's mine not yours so back off!" Bella says poking my chest glaring at me. I frown and hear the doorbell. I go around her and run downstairs seeing Edward and smile.

"Hey you ready?" He asks as I nod my head. "Edward!! Where are you guys going?" Bella asks, smiling at him. "To my house she's staying the night with Rosalie and Alice." He says seeing my dad watching. "Can I come?" She asks, touching his arm as he moves away and puts his hand on my back leading me out to the car then opens the door letting me in as I buckle up.

He comes around and gets in and drives to his house. I was excited but nervous to meet his parents. Once I saw their house and my eyes widened. "The house is beautiful.." I said as he chuckled. "Esme would be happy to hear that." He says as we get out of the car and walk up soon walking in. I smelled food and it smelled so good as I walked into the dinning room following Edward. "Hi!! I'm Esme, nice to meet you hun!" The girl says hugging me as I hug back shyly blushing a bit as a guy with blonde hair and golden eyes. "Hi im Carlisle it's nice to meet you princess." He says making me blush more.

Jasper and Emmett walk in as Alice runs over hugging me making me giggle. "I hope you're hungry hun!" Rosalie says putting the food on the table then hugs me. "Ya I am." I said smiling as Jasper grabbed my hand leading me to the seat as I sat down seeing Esme give me a plate and sit down with the others around the table. It felt weird being the only one to eat but what made it more weird is what was said next.

"What really happened to your neck?" I heard looking at Jasper as everyone was looking at me also. "I-i told you." I said nervously and played with my ring. "Tell us please darling." Jasper asks as I sigh softly and reach my hand up to my neck and take off the bandaid showing the bites as all of their eyes widened seeing. "Who did that?!" Carlisle asks mad a bit and sighs looking down. "This might sound crazy but my old town has vampires, werewolves, witches and hybrids hell there is other supernatural stuff there…at my aunt's funeral the hybrid that turned and killed her…attacked me he wants me because I'm part witch.." I said as they looked at each other.

"What are their names?" Carlisle asks, looking at me. "Damon and Stefan Salvatore…are my two friends. Klaus Mikaelson is the one that attacked me…." I said as Carlisle looked at me shocked. "You guys are vampires aren't you..?" I asked seeing them nod their heads.

I ate the food talking with them about everything that happened after a while of doing so we all made our way to the living room. I sat between Jasper and Carlisle watching horror movies with them. After a while I became tired and lay my head on Jasper's shoulder falling asleep.

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