Chapter 33

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It's been a few months since I've been living with them all and it's been amazing. They give me attention and love, even care for me and how I feel. I'm glad I have them all and we had a lot of fun times if you know what I mean.

I walked into the bathroom after my night with Caius. They all take turns sharing a room with me. I turned on the shower and stepped in washing my body then hair until I was finished and got out grabbing a towel and dries myself off seeing my stomach was bigger than normal. "Hm weird.." I thought and got dressed as I walked out of the bathroom and into the room.

I went over to the closet putting on panties, shirt and shorts as Caius came into the room with the others." Happy birthday my love!" Marcus says as I smile, hugging them. "Thanks!" I said happily and pecked their lips.

"Do I look fat?" I asked, looking at them all. "No, why would you ask that?" Aro asked, looking at me. "Well my stomach looks bigger than normal.." I said as Jane nodded. "I see now but no matter what you are still beautiful." Jane says, kissing my head.

I giggled as I nod but Marcus was staring at me. "Love not to scare you but when did you last face your period?" He asked as I thought and shrugged. "I was supposed to be on it. I'm days late." I said as he sighs. "We need to call a doctor over." Marcus says as the others eyes widen realizing what he was meaning.

"I thought I can't get pregnant!" I said looking at them as they looked shocked also while trying to figure it out. "Ya well we thought so also but it seems like it might have worked." Aro says  as Jane walked away calling a doctor that they had.

I sat down on my bed watching the three kings arguing back and forth about who the father is. I honestly couldn't help but watch in amusement. They are so handsome. "Princess the doctor is here." Demetri says as he takes my hand leading me out of the room without the kings seeing.

I got into the room seeing a doctor there to be honest I'm glad it's not Carlisle cause it would have been awkward. I got up on the bed and lays down as the doctor lifts my shirt putting some liquid on my stomach as the door burst open. "No fair we wanna be in here!!" Caius says walking over to me.

"Well kings, you guys are in here on time." Felix says as the doctor puts the thing on my stomach moving it around as he sees a small growing baby. "yup you're pregnant and since you got pregnant by a vampire they will grow fast  but not to fast hat's why your stomach started growing." He says as I nod my head but realized he said they.

"Wait they?" I asked, looking at him as he nodded his head. "Ya you are having twins but since you are a witch you can have a normal birth and won't have to be turned into a vampire. The babies are human it appears to be, which is rare but you are a human and a witch so it's possible the babies are human " He said as I nodded.

"Will she be able to have more kids before getting turned?" Aro asked, smiling happily as the doctor chuckled, nodding his head. "Yes that is correct." The doctor says as the others all squeal happily as I giggled a bit. The doctor cleans off my stomach as Caius helped me up and we walked into the throne room and sat down on my chair while the kings sat down.

They always had me in the throne room to keep me close to them. I was looking through a magazine as the doors opened showing the desk assistant walking in and over to me. "Hi dear you have some mail." She says handing it to me and bows leaving .

I opened the letter seeing a wedding invitation to Bella's and Edward's wedding. I was shocked that I got this but sighs looking at them all as I told them about it.

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