Chapter 37

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Once we arrived home and I was put down I ran into my other mates arms happily as they looked me over for injuries making me giggle. "I'm fine " I said as they nod their heads. "We are just checking my love." Aro said kissing my head as Caius does the same.

Felix, Jane and Demetri walked over hugging me close to their chests as I let them. "I missed you all so much" I said as I hear them chuckle. "We missed you too love." Felix said as I smiled at them.

It's been a few weeks and apparently Bella is pregnant and the baby is killing her but not only that my mates are mad and wanna kiss her and Edward. I kept getting bigger also but it was a normal pregnancy besides it's only a few more months until I have my babies and I can't wait to hold them.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen seeing Caius making food he's so sweet he learned how to make food for me they all are so caring and amazing to me. I sat down on the chair watching as I noticed a watermelon. "Watermelon!" I said excited as my other mates walked in sitting down around me.

"You are craving watermelon alot so we had one of the humans go out and buy you watermelon." Demetri said as I smiled happily as Caius placed the food in front of me and the watermelon never to the food.

I picked up a piece of watermelon but noticed a small black box I tilted my head and picked it up as I slowly opened it up to find a beautiful black ring. I looked up seeing them all on their one knees shoving Marcus to talk.

"Darling we love you so much and you mean the world to us we would give up everything to make you happy we would do anything for you and our babies

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"Darling we love you so much and you mean the world to us we would give up everything to make you happy we would do anything for you and our babies. You are our world our life you are our princess and hopefully you will become our Queen will you marry us?" Marcus asked

I had tears falling down my face they asked me to marry them my heart was beating so fast I quickly nod my head. "Yes I will marry you all!!" I said crying happy tears and hugs them one at a time as Jane puts the ring on my finger.

After we got done with hugging and kissing I went back to eating my food while looking at my ring as Jane takes my hand and holds it as I hold her hand back happily. I told Elena and the others about my pregnancy but Damon wasn't happy at first but he got over it quickly when Elena said that she was in love with him I felt bad for Stefan he didn't deserve all of that he loved her so much but she ended up picking Damon.

I moved a bit and eats my food as I get a phone call and answers it. "Hello?" I said as I hear a shakey voice on the other end. "Y-your niece is here and Bella she's not coming back…" Edward said as I sit there shocked. "I'm sorry for your loss." I said eating. "Really that's all your gonna say? She's your sister and she died!" He said as I sigh.

"I don't know what you expect me to do cry? Scream? I'm not doing that yes I'm sad about her dying but she hurt me she tryed taking everything away from me… she hated me and tryed to kill me more than once almost did if Jacob didn't saved me from it." I said as I was about to hang out I heard a baby crying in the other side.

"please…I don't know what to do….I wanna kill the baby so badly for it killing Bella…" he said as I felt my heart breaking. "I'll send Jane and Alec to the house have the baby ready what's her name?" I asked as I sit there while Jane and Alec left the room heading to the Cullens house.

"R-Renesmee." He said as I sighed a bit. "They are on their way." I said hanging up as tears fell down my face I know I shouldn't cry but I couldn't help it…Caius hugged me and kissed my head softly.

"Well I guess at least we have another baby." He said trying to cheer me up as I giggles a bit nodding. "Ya you're right."  I said as he smiles at me and lets me go so I can finish eating. After awhile of eating Jane, Alec and the baby had arrived!

I got up walking over to the car seat as I picked her up out of it rocking her as she stopped crying. "Shhh its okay." I said softly rocking her as she looked at me smiling I carried her to a room that me and my mates made for our babies. I laid her down in the crib watching as she fell asleep.

I walked out of the room and walked into the kitchen to help clean up but got stopped by Aro. "Nope you go rest the doctor told you that you can't do much because of the babies." He said as I pouted and walked to my room sitting on the bed and turns on the TV watching movies while Renesmee was sleeping in her crib.

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