Chapter 21

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I broke out of my trance seeing Alice in front of me with her hands on my cheeks worried. “Are you okay love?” She asked as I nodded my head rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed that I zoned out. “Ya sorry i zoned out.” I said giggling as she smiled a bit and kissed my head standing up.

Aro walked over to me and took off his glove as I bit my lip and looked down, taking off my ring. I looked back up at him and placed my hand into his as he could see everything when he got done and stepped back. I knew hell would break out and fun fact it did in a blink of an eye Aro and Bella by her throat and she was in the air gasping for air. I teared up watching everything that was happening and being said.

“You tried to kill her?! You said so many awful things to our mate?!” He yells but I was taken back. What did he mean our mate? I watched as the other two kings went mad at her and the guards even looked mad. “P-put her down please!” I said as Aro looked at me but did as I asked.

He dropped her to the floor as she moved away hiding behind a shocked Edward and Alice, scared and crying. “Dear she hurt you, she pushed you in front of a van, had guys come after you and pushed you off a cliff.” Aro says bending down to me with sadness in his eyes.

“Y-you called me your mate why?” I asked, looking at him as Marcus chuckled and walked over taking my hand as the three sat down on the steps next to me. “Well dear, I can see the strings of bonds. I see your mate's bond with the Cullens but Edward broke his bond with you by being with Bella. You also have bonds with us all.” Marcus says as I tilt my head confused as Cauis chuckles, finding me adorable.

“Me, Aro and Cauis have a bond with you. Jane, Alc, Felix and Demetri have a mate bond with you as well my dear.” Marcus says as he smiles softly at me.

“Why won’t you let us kill her little one?”  Cauis asked as I pouted at him trying to think of the right things to say to them all but then it hit me holy shit im mated to thirteen vampires!!!! Oh hell what am I gonna do? “I-I'm mated to you all…and the Cullens..” I said sitting there trying to process it all.

“Yes my love you are mated to us all.” Aro says, touching my head smiling. “T-the reason i don’t want you to kill her is because she's still my sister and i can’t do that to our father…” I said looking at them three. “Damn, our mate is so cute.” Cauis says looking at me makes me feel shy and looks away.

Alice looks at Edward then at me. “So she’s mated to us all, what are we supposed to do now?”  She asked as the kings looked up at her then at each other like they were talking to each other through their minds. “I guess we will share her with your Family but just know if you all hurt her there will be hell to pay.” Aro says looking at Edward mad.

I looked at Aro and smiled, kissing his cheek then the other two kings' cheeks. “Thank you.” I said smiling as Cauis kissed my head soon letting the others do so as well. I ran over to Jane and Alec hugging and pecking their cheeks, soon going to Felix and Demetri doing the same thing to them.

I ran over Alice tackling her into a hug happily glad knowing that the mate bond hadn't broken with them. "Let's go love, we need to get you home, you all can visit our house. She is living with me and my family Edward. You can move out if you want to. We are not gonna lose our mate because of Bella and you." She says as the kings nod their heads

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