🧡Part 8🧡

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It has been a week and yes I am still in hospital. My mom only came 3 times because of work and my father well that one he never pitched up because accorrding to Mrs Chiliza he is still angry at me.

I am going to get discharged 3 days from now and it is visiting ours.

I am just sitting and staring into space when I see my dad in front of me.


"Sthandiwe how are you?"
He asks taking a seat next to my bed.

"I am not fine."

I tell him the honest truth because I am far from ever being fine.

"I just spoke to the doctor outside incharge of you and she said you refuse to breast feed the baby and you haven't even named her. What is going on with you?"

The truth is that this child is cursed I swear. It came in such a bad way and I don't see myself mothering Muzi's child. I hate him along with the child. He is the cause of all this problem I am facing.

Muzikayise Chiliza waze wayisithiyo empilweni yami.
[Muzikayise Chiliza you are such an obstacle in my life.]

A true definition of stumbling block.

"I don't want anything to do with it."

I reply while massaging my shoulders.

"Tell me you are joking?" He says. You see my father is calm while my mom is a mad lady. I wonder how they even dated let alone got married.

"It is something I want to wipe away from my life." I say to him and he looks shocked.

"The baby is innocent."

"Innocent my left foot Mdunge."

This child will make forever remind me of Muzi.


He says to me.

How do I even begin to tell him his brother raped me as if he will believe me either way because Muzi can never hurt a fly. I just ignore him and focus on myself.

Doctor comes to us and says something to the doctor that I did not hear.

The doctor writes it down on her chart with a smile on her face and checks the baby. She then leaves. I am still processing the fact that I miscarried Zani's baby I mean that boy was the love of my life but life happened so I must forget about him.

I feel like I am running crazy. I have tried to forget about everything but that is impossible. I can't help but overthink the whole situation and lord knows I am the victim of an unfortunate situation.



I have left Richard's Bay and I am at my brother's house. There is some tension in the house and the married couple are not on speaking terms and I can't even talk to any of them because they refuse to talk to me. I don't even know where Sthandiwe is.

I went to Bhuti Khonzani's house and the dinner went well,and KJ broke up with his 2 girlfriends he is left with one. Drama if you ask me.

I asked the reason for the seperation apparently he called the other one by his highschool sweetheart's name and she got mad and left him apparently it wasn't the first time. The other chick found out she was being cheated on and she thought she was the main yet she was not even the side but just a reserve for if number 1 and 2 were giving him problems so she left.

He still refuses to give me the name of this girl who has him whipped like this. I swear it is like he is bewitched.

I really wonder what is going on in this Chiliza household.


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