🧡Part 26🧡

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It has been like 3 days and my granny has been giving me silent treatment.

Mam'Tsolo is back so the twins went back to their home today and Sandile is resting.

I am currently trying to call Sfundo and it seems like he has blocked my number because he is unreachable even a mere sms does not go through. I have reached the point where I myself do not know what to do at this point.

I am dailing his number on my gran's phone I mean that is the last thing that I haven't done so maybe it will ring and I place it on my ear and it rings.

There is hope in the end.

On the 3rd ring he answers.


Sfundo says. What a parasite.

I breathe in because I am about to announce huge news which is about to change his life like how it has changed mine.

I breathe out and breathe in.

"Sorry I am not an oxygen pump so please don't waste my battery by breathing through my speaker."

He says through the phone he is still rude I see.

"Sfundo it's me."

I tell him with hope that he will recognize my voice.

"Me who please introduce yourself girly?"

Girly? Sfundo is the shocking me in just 4 months he has forgotten my voice. Wow men will shock you.

"I must introduce myself to you Sfundo well I am Yibanathi Chiliza."

I tell him.

"Ufunani kimina ntombazane?"
[What do you want from me girl?]

"Can we please meet up and talk there is something I would like to talk to you about."

I plead with him.

"Talk what? I have absolutely no intentions of getting back with you okay please I have moved on I suggest you do the same okay."

He tells me.

"Sfundo please it won't take long it will jus..."

I tell him before I am interrupted by him.

"Yibanathi I have nothing to say to you nor do I want to hear anything from you."

*toot toot*

Sfundo just dropped the phone. Haa why me?

"Oh so you have the guts to take my phone without my permission and not only that but you call that scum who got you pregnant."

My gran says and I did not even notice she was in the room let alone listening to the conversation worse I do not even know what portion she heard if it's only a portion she heard or she heard everything.

"Uhm...gran I..."

I try to talk while I am looking down.

"Uhm uhm since when do you stutter Anathi and don't bother looking down because when you and this Sfundo of yours was talking to you into looking at the ceiling you obeyed now look at yourself."

My gran tells me. She has refused to speak to me about this whole topic eversince we found out about this whole pregnancy.

She takes a seat on the couch and looks at me. I guess today is day she is ready to hear my side of the story.

"Okay I want know who is this boy that got you pregnant because he should face the consequences."

She asks me while looking straight at my eyes.


I tell her.

"Sfundo ini uyazibona uhambe uzibandakanya nezifundo buka ukushiye neSfundo."
[Sfundo what you see yourself going around associating yourself with lessons look he left with you a lesson]
Note: Sfundo when directly translated means lesson.

"His name is Sfundesihle Ntuli."

I tell her while tapping my foot lightly on the floor.

"Yes now we are getting somewhere you are busy telling me a preferred name like it's a good thing. You see this Sfundesihle needs to learn a good lesson in all this."

Avuyile says to Yibanathi who is crying silently.

"So what does he do with his life?"

Avuyile asks Yibanathi.

"He is working."

Yibanathi answers.

"Mmh okay he must pay damages and marry you because I will not have a baby born out of wedlock."

Avuyile answers.

"Marriage gran I don't want to marry him."

Yibanathi truthfully answers because after the call she realised that she can not have a future with such a person.

"Yibanathi kutheni unje uyaqonda uba abantu mabengeva ngalento sizawuba sesupini."
[Yibanathi why are you like this you do realise that if people hear about this we are trouble.]

Avuyile was raised by her xhosa relative who was a cousin to her mother. She speaks Isizulu because she married Mdunge and he was Zulu but she is originally Xhosa hence the name Avuyile.

"But gran..."

Yibanathi tries to talk and her gran gives her a look and she keeps quiet.

"My word is final*pauses a little* girly."

The way in which she said "girly" made matters worse which confirmed that she heard when Sfundo called her girly. The disadvantage of using a pensioner's phone which has a high volume during calls.

She says to her while standing up and increasing the radio and there was music playing.

"Ubaba womtanami, ngambona sesinomntwana ukuthi akanangqondo....

Iyakhethwa indonda ongayizalela ingane ngoba vele iyakhethwa indonda ongayizalela ingane..."

[My father's child, I saw him when we had a child that he had no sense/brain...

A man you can bear a child for is chosen because indeed you must choose a man that you will bear a child for...]

The song that was playing on the radio made her feel worse because she was paying attention to the lyrics and not the song because she was sad and her gran was singing along with the radio. Her grandmother loved gospel music and having her singing to maskandi is a huge thing.

Yibanathi stood up and went to her room to sleep for she felt that maybe she will wake up feeling better than she is now.

Meanwhile after Yibanathi left the living room Avuyile sat and thought about what the community would think and say about her when Yibanathi started showing as she only gained weight for now. The saying that tge apple does not fall far from the tree is true in the case of Yibanathi because she is 22 and pregnant while Sthandiwe got pregnant at 23 well at least with Yibanathi it's not a family member who is responsible.


Author: Heyy guys❤

buli35 you asked and I delivered I am swamped with school work though😭😭 ayy tertiary life is the pits🙌🏽 I am forever busy and tired but I will try to update more frequently though.

See you part 27

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