🧡Part 12🧡

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Sthandiwe turned and found Muzi dressed in all black clearly prepared for her funeral, that is how she feels at the moment.

He greeted Sizakele with a guy, handshaked Khonzani Senior along with Mdunge. He bro hugged Zani and gave Nobuhle a hug.

Anyone could see the happiness from Nobuhle when she recieved a hug and to polish it off he gave her a kiss on her forehead.


Muzi said to her. She was blushing so much luckily she had a dark skin tone so you could not see her looking like a tomato but she had a smile that was from one end to the other and that seemed to anger Sthandiwe because it gave her assurance that tge person who told her uncle about her no longer being a virgin.

Nobuhle is the girl that used to be Sthandiwe's friend and not once did she ever mention knowing or let alone be related to Zani and she knew that Sthandiwe lost her virginity to a guy named Khonzani but she never knew that the Khonzani in question is actually her cousin.

Nobuhle had a crush on Muzi according to what Sthandiwe knew when she last checked. Muzi then came and gave his sister Kayise a hug but was an unexplainable expression on his face.

"Ntombikayise yini manje le?"
[Ntombikayise what is this?]

He directs the question to Kayise while staring at the baby.

"It's a baby Muzi or are you blind?"

The arrogance in Kayise's response made Mdunge chuckle a little.

Ntombikayise was the younger than Mdunge yet older than Muzi. She was even younger than Avuyile. Kayise was the only one who could reprimand Muzi and he always respected her a lot since she was older than him and she was a woman. He respected Mdunge but it never matched the manner in which he treated Kayise. It was as if she was his mother.

Sthandiwe looked and saw that only her and her mother were the only ones who recieved no greetings she then took the set of plates carefully while making sure to be fast since her wrists were beginning to ache and Muzi was shaking her head after the response he had gotten from Kayise.

He then came to hug Avuyile and gave her flowers. She was happy and smiling and he turned to Sthandiwe and she was already standing behind Zani's chair and gave him a look that was shooting daggers at him. He then took a seat at the chair that Sthandiwe was sitting at and gave her a smirk while there at it.

Sthandiwe and her mother began the servings and when it came to serving salad. Muzi managed to sneak his arm and touch Sthandiwe's knee while she was putting the meat on his plate she didn't waste time by kicking his leg.

"Sthandiwe why did you do that?"

Avuyile questioned since she saw her kicking Muzi but didn't see him touching her leg.

"It was an accident her shoe was coming off."

Muzi replied with a huge smirk. Sthandiwe wished she could wipe the smirk off his face.

Avuyile sat down after she and Sthandiwe were done serving so that they could eat. Sthandiwe was forced to sit next to Kayise. So Kayise was on the left and Muzi was also close by next to her the distance between them was the leg of the table.

Sthandiwe could not even eat properly with Muzi around she hardly touched her food. Jokes and conversations were flowing around the table.

While the lunch was happening Kayise was cautiously flirting with Mhlongo underneath the table by slowly lifting her leg and putting it near his leg and smiling at him while not knowing that she was not sliding her leg against Sizakele.

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