🧡Part 3🧡

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Muzi has left my room after subjecting me to such pain. He is even whistling in the kitchen he is the only one who likes to whistle when he is happy about himself. So it is clear he is satisfied with himself.

I then heard the front door banging. Our house was a six room house and my bedroom was the second bedroom.

The way the door bang sounded you could tell it was a door being closed from outside the house.

I was just sleeping where this disgusting human being left me. I have not moved an inch since he left my room after hearing his whistle and door banging. The house is now dead silent you can literally hear a pin drop if it were to happen.

I hear a key turning on a door. It sounds like someone is unlocking a door and this is no ordinary door this sounds like my parents bedroom door.

Could it be that my dad was in his room the whole time Muzi was having his way with me?

No I refuse to believe it.

I just pull the blankets on top off me and just sit there eyes watering and now I am silently crying.


Avuyile Pov

I am a poor woman who is trying by all means to survive. I am a mother of 3 with only 1 child alive.

Living in Nanda is really good I mean we have been living here for a long time. I am Avuyile Chiliza married to Gwedlindaba Chiliza. Gwedlindaba and I have been married for 30 years. I am blessed with a beautiful baby girl Sthandiwe. She is the only child I am really blessed with and the only child I was allowed to have.

I am currently at my workplace. I am so tired as it is and looking after 3 children is no joke. I really support the saying it takes a village to raise a child. I am alone with these children and their parents went out on business to Capetown leaving me with the kids and the nanny only comes in the morning so I stay with the chilren alone at night.

This family that I work for is blessed to have male children but they don't seem to cherish that because they don't care. The wife is forever busy to even look at her husband and I have to step in and fulfill her wife duties not that I mind.

It is midday now and the 2 younger kids took their midday nap and the older one is watching a movie in the lounge. It has been 4 days since I left home and I tried calling Sthandiwe but she did not answer or respond to any of my texts. I last spoke to my husband this morning and the call didn't end well either way. He accused me of being careless and not taking care of my child.

Please Sthandiwe is old enough to take care of herself,this man was just looking for away to start a fight because eversince he lost his job we have been fighting since and I really don't like this because he does not have a right to be angry at me especially since I made him who he is. I sacrificed a lot for us.

My phone rings. It is an unknown number and I just answer because it could be anyone.

"Hello" I answered the call in a calm and relaxed tone.

"Hey Vuyi it's me"


feel my self freezing on the spot because hey I never thought he would ever call me ever again in this life time.

"Uh what..."

He then talks a deep breath.

"Look Avuyile we need to talk it is serious."

This man is high if he thinks he can just ask to talk to me anyhow.

"I don't want to talk to you so please can you just leave me alone."

I decided to ask him in a polite manner to leave me alone. The man is dangerous and I don't know what he wants because I paid him all the money my husband owed. I don't know what it is he wants from me.

"Avuyile if you still value your life you will meet me at Butterworth Hotel room 257."

This man is crazy honestly just because I paid him his money does not mean I must keep seeing his face all the time.

I am not going to that stupid hotel to meet him. Instead I need to go and see MaNgubo for a consultation because a lot is going wrong in my family.

I climb my bed in my room that I have in this house and then I hear my phone beep indicating a sms coming in.

"Butterworth Hotel room 257 today if you know what is good for you."

Do you think Sthandiwe was hallucinating when she heard key turning on her parents door?

What do you think about Avuyile Chiliza?

🤔Who is the mystery man?


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