🧡Part 28🧡

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"This pregnancy will not reach full term if you are still living there."

A voice says to me in the middle of the night.

"What do you mean by that?"

I ask the voice. It is a female voice of a middle aged woman.

"Leave that house Yibanathi and do not spend another night there for it will be your last on earth!"

The voice continued.

"Where can I go to I have no one but gran and besides what is the worst that can happen?"

I question this voice and I am now here waiting for an answer from the woman but I hear nothing.

Instead she clicks her tongue.

"Ayy this child!"

The voice says before it disappears and I wake up and it felt real all this time only to find out that I was dreaming so I say a little prayer and it is 4am in the morning when I look at the time after my prayer. I decide to just wake up and go and take a bath.

I know that it is early but something told me to just wake up and bath I don't know what or why but I want to feel fresh and forget about the dream that I just had. It was strange yet I can't seem to forget it as well as understand it. I so want to ask my gran what it means but she is still angry and has no time interpreting random dreams.

When I am done bathing and gotten rid of the water the minute I come in my gran is standing in the middle of the passage way to the bedrooms. She is wearing her gown as it is and has her hands on her hips.

"Ah it's nice that you have taken a bath because we have a very important guest coming specially for you."

A guest...specially for me ayy this I have to see with my two eyes. I wonder why she is even up in the first place but then again she has always been a person who is always up early and the very first person to sleep.


It is now around 10 am in the morning. My gran is sitting on the couch tapping her foot continuously at the floor with a face full of huge anticipation which makes me wonder who this is and why are they coming here and what did my gran mean when she said they are specially for me.

She has orded me not to not eat. So I am actually fasting without praying. The things we do in this house these days are shocking to say the least.

I am feeling really uneasy about this whole thing if you ask me.

*a knock is heard*

[Come in!]

My gran shouts.

I hear footsteps and shuffling and when I look up my eyes meet the last person I thought I would see in a long time. The last time I saw her was before my graduation when I was packing my things as I was preparing to come back home.

"Thokozo gogo."

My gran further says to her and I am left shocked. What on earth is MaNgubo doing here worst in her traditional attire. Why did gran invite her?

I am just seated on the couch waiting to see the next step.

MaNgubo starts with her incantation. She has opened up her grass mat and layed it on the floor.

My gran is on her knees on the mat but when it is to go on her knees to pick something up she cannot do it.

"There is an evil spirit lingering around this house. Avuyile there is a dark cloud hanging over this family."

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