🧡Part 9🧡

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It is now the second week and Mdunge and I have started talking even though it is little steps but little steps go a long way.

I asked permission from my husband to invite Sizakele along with her family to lunch tomorrow and the man agreed. I am currently at work as we speak and Mdunge has gone to fetch Sthandiwe and the baby.

Speaking of the baby I have been so busy trying to find out the father that I don't even know if the child has a name or not.

Mhlongo that persistent thug called me yesterday and told me to meet with me and I refused he said it is important that we meet and I did but the guy told me he does not want anything to do with me anymore like I was ever interested in the man in the first place. It was getting too suspicious for his wife and I was  so happy to hear that. I am finally free from the man.

I am only left with Mthiyane, my boss. It has been long since we got intimate and I am ashamed to say I miss him. He knows his job unlike my shameless husband. Mdunge is highly disadvantaged when it comes to the bedroom. I would say he has a disability. He is only 2 minutes.

2 minutes and that is it. I don't even know if he thinks I am 2 minute noodles or what but I am in love with his character and personality but the performance is a total disappointment I was even surprised that I managed to even get pregnant.

Muzi didn't even sleep home for the whole week he said something about being present tomorrow for the lunch and he is the least of my worries right now. I am worried about my sister in-law Ntombikayise who is in my house and I don't even know why Muzi came back with her, that thing.



My father has fetched me from the hospital along with his grand neice. I don't even know what to call this baby it seems like my father has already named the child and I don't care at all. At this point it is me and only me.

On a serious note though what are my parents supposed to call the baby?

It is their first and last grandchild from me.

It is also their neice because Muzika...that animal decided to go for their daughter.

My father, he got us a lift from one of his friends from work instead of taking taxis.

We arrive home and I did not even carry that baby even once today.

Aunt Kayise opens the door for us.

Wow! I wonder when she came here but I can imagine how Mrs Chiliza feels about having her in her house they always find a reason to fight.

"Mdunge, Stha welcome home."

She says to us, I just give her a glare and walk past her. I go to the lounge and sit because why not.

My aunt and dad come to the lounge just after me. She gives me a look and looks at my father.

"She has been like this since birth according to the doctor and nurses in the hospital."

My father talking about me as if I am not in their presence.

My aunt has now taken over the so called baby so to her it is also grand neice. She takes the child and disappears to the bedrooms I honestly hope it is not mine because she will not like it.

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