🧡Part 2🧡

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🚨🚨Disclaimer: Please note this chapter may contain sensitive sexual content to the reader which may cause trigger warnings. Please be warned!!

You will are welcome to skip this part since it contains rape.

For those who don't mind reading here it goes...


I opened my eyes only to see the one and only Muzi in my bed.

"Muzi what the hell!"

He says nothing. I start to shake him to wake up and open his eyes because what is he doing to me. I am his neice for heaven's sake.

"Wake up what is the meaning of this?!"

I half shout at him.

He opened his eyes and gave me a sick smile. He looks suspicious.
I try to get away from him only to find his hand roughly pulling me to him.

He gets on top of me.

"What is this?"

I shout at him and it is only then that I notice that he has only his shorts on.

I try screaming but it doesn't help that he has taken my second pillow and placed it on my face to muffle my scream.

"Stha it's only a shame that you are no longer a virgin." He says to me.

I wonder who has told him that valid piece of information about my life. It is such a personal matter there is only 1 person I can think of who can say this it can only be my friend or the girl who I thought was my friend because she is the only one who knows that I lost my virginity at my matric dance to a guy that was my boyfriend at the time and I thought he was deserving. It happened only 2 times and in those two times we never used protection but I never fell pregnant. My ancestors were definetly with me on those 2 occasions. 

The girl is super desperate to date Muzi she would literally do anything to get him to look at her. I manage to move my right hand and push the pillow away from my face. My face is wet from tears that are constantly falling.

"Muzikayise Chiliza what are you talking about?"

The man smiles like a predator when it has finally caught it's prey.

"You know I have been waiting for this opportunity and today you will reward me for all that I have done for you."

"Reward you how...why?"

I am so confused so him getting me clothes and snacks was not out of kindness as a member of the family but had a payment attatched to it.

"Please I am sorry...please just let me go please Babomcane."


"Babomcane awu ngeskhathi udla imali yami bengiwu Muzi lakuwe manje ngoba ngizo collector okwami sengiwubabomcane."

[Babomcane... oh the time you were eating my money I was Muzi to you and now that I am here to collect what is mine I am now a uncle.]

I stared at him with my eyes enlarged to their fullest after hearing the words of a person I though was my family a person I was more safer with seeing that he was my age mate and I felt like he was my protector.

I feel like such a fool but then again who would've thought about Muzi doing what he is doing.

He is still on top of me and I am moving and shaking like an earthquake under the man I don't want to give him an opportunity to even try his nonsense.

"Muzikayise ngizomtshela ubaba nomama uzozisola slwane ndini!"

[Muzikayise I will tell dad and mom about this you will regret it, you animal!]

I spat those words out of anger and due to my current situation. This seemed to have angered to have angered him because he released a thunderous slap that had my face sting and mucus from my nose to come flying out.

I was pretty sure my left cheek was already in the process of swelling up if it hasn't already.

"Muzikayise leave me alone!" It all falls upon deaf ears. I try moving my hands and he uses his strong hands and holds them together and somehow manages to remove his right hand and he takes the pillow and puts it on my face."

"What can your parents do huh?"

He shouts at me.

I am sure by now my whole face looks like a mess and this guy doesn't even see that.

I am wearing a white pj vest with a black pj shorts or was wearing shorts because at this point I don't even know when they came off if they are off.

The pillow is still held to my face and I can feel rough hands on my thighs but on a fabric meaning I am still fully clothed.

I then feel cold air hitting my inner thighs which means the man has succeeded in removing my shorts despite my unstopping movement under him.

I heard a laugh a dry laugh coming from him and that's when my underwear was ripped off like it was a paper.

I just gave up after that no movements, no shuffling, no attempt of screaming or moving my hands. I did absolutely nothing to him. I did no sign of life in me but you could hear my sobs if you placed your ear on that pillow.

The dreadful pillow.

I had 3 pillows on my bed but kept 2 all the time when I sleep, I generally lay my head on one and keep the other next to my main one for sleeping on so I can plug my phone charge and it can be at close range for me when I use it in the charger but today my pillow has become my silencer.

I just lost hope.

I felt him enter me and I knew that it is over. I have never in my 23 years of life thought that I would be raped.

Me Sthandiwe Chiliza taken advantage off. Wow life is like a dice every flip is every turn in your life.

I don't think I can forgive him for he has done the worst.


Author:😪Sthandiwe has been taken advantage of in her home where she is supposed to be safe.

🤧How do you feel about Muzi😤?

Was Muzi's kindness to Sthandiwe meant to be appreciated in such a way🤔?


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