🧡Part 39🧡

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A week has past and nothing, no one has come up with any information with regards to Yibanathi going missing and here I am stressed about how on earth I am going to deal with all this.

So MaNgubo went back to her house yesterday but before she left she had given me another idea that can help make my life even better but all shall be well if and only when we find Yibanathi and the fact is that she must be alive wherever she is.

The obstacle here is finding her alive. I would like to believe she is dead but I don't think so because MaNgubo would have picked it up that we can no longer connect with her since she is on the other side if that was the case but no she has not said anything so I do not want to assume things.

There are 2 options here to be exact. The first one being that we get rid off the baby because we cannot afford to have one besides she stands a chance at marrying the prince or the prince's cousins then we all become royal and being royalty comes with status & MONEY especially here in Umbumbulu. The part of her not being pure would have been taken care off because the chief would have gotten a report that she is a pure virgin even though we know...

The second option now is that we bring Yibanathi back here with us and we use her so that I would change my life around and break free from this poverty stinking life because Yibanathi would have been the one I would use to replace my life.

How so you may ask...

Yibanathi would have to keep the pregnancy but I have to arrange for a special consultation where all my bad luck as well as Sandile's bad luck will be put on her shoulders. It will be rubbed on her and used on her while we take all her goodluck and good aura while leaving her for poverty. She has a great future according to MaNgubo and I know now that we will not be a part of the great future especially after what happened here last week.

She must suffer because she is the reason my daughter committed suicide and she is most definetly a curse like I had once thought of at some point in life but I had shifted it away.

I have Tsolo, shame my biggest supporter these days who has taken Sandile to move in there with her since I am always in and out walking with the communities.

The chief sent his advisor yesterday and that man was so rude that he did not even want to be anywhere near this house. Imagine the guts he had of screaming for me to get out only for him to call me to his car and inform me that the chief said that from next week they will start searching door to door of which they should've started a long time ago.

I am currently standing outside the village square where we all as a community gather when the chief wants to speak to us as a whole community.

"Mphakathi waseMbumbulu sihlangene nje lapha sekuphele isonto njengoba nazi, intombazane encane u Yibanathi inyamalele ngakhokhe sizoza umuzi ngomuzi sizophenya sizoza noma inini futhi besicela ongabanolwazi asazise ungakhuluma nathi khona ekhaya EKubuseni."

[Community of Umbumbulu, as we are gathered here a week has past as you know since a young girl named Yibanathi has disappeared therefore we will go door to door to investigate any day and we would like anyone with any information to help can talk to us at home EKubuseni.]

The chief says while wearing an expressionless face.

EKubuseni is the name of his house. The direct translation of EKubuseni is "in ruling". He is definetly in ruling as the name of his house. Here in this community people tend to name their households it's more of a name that represents your household.

This whole meeting is pointless if you ask me. No one here is talking, everyone is mumbling to themselves some to the people next to them and I on the other hand am seated on the floor next to the chief himself and the chief advisor is standing next to the chief.

"Ma do you have anything you would like to say?"

The chief advisor says to me.

I stand up while a guard tries to help me up of which I dismiss him using my hand because I Avuyile Chiliza am as strong as an ox.

"Good day everyone, I am pleading with every one of you to please help me, she is not familiar with area here and she does not know anyone here."

I state as I look around the people and I meet Tsolo's eyes and she looks at me with pity. The children are at home alone which is fine by me I mean here in Umbumbulu there is peace. By peace I mean that no event has been reported of someone breaking in the house and harming children and not that it can never happen but for safety reasons Tsolo told them to lock and not open for anyone and Sandile has Yibanathi's phone so they are okay.

"I urge the youth to be careful and be safe. I thank you all."

The chief says and he stands up so just like that his advisor along with the 2 guards he had they leave and it means we are dismissed. I just stand up and pick up the blanket that I was sitting on while I was sitting on the floor and dust it off the grass. I then tie it around my waist and it looks like a wrapper skirt but it's a blanket. I am sure you get the picture.

Tsolo is already next to me when I pick my head up.


Tsolo says while hugging me and I hug her back. It has been a while since I recieved a heart warming hug.

"Aay shame poor her."

A woman said to the group of other woman she was standing with.

"I wonder what really happened, I mean a girl will not just run away from home?"

Another replies.

"I don't even know her, is she even from here because I have never seen her amongst us the woman during the meetings."

The young woman asks the group.

"She is from here, I have seen her a few times she is from the Dead End."

The first lady that spoke says and everyone laughs. Dead End is a name used to ridicule our side of the village because we are very poor on this side and I being the last house on the road. The poorest.

Dead End has 10 houses on our side and the first 8 houses are old and some look like they were riding the heavy 40 day and 40 nights storm then there is Tsolo who is better I mean her house got paint outside and then me the worst.

"Don't mind them Avu."

Tsolo says and we start walking back to our houses. I am not even in the mood to talk and tomorrow I am fetching Sandile from Tsolo.


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