[xxxxi]⚤. dare • bakugou.k

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"i already told you, i'm not playing this shitty game

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"i already told you, i'm not playing this shitty game."

"c'mon, it's your turn though." kirishima cheered at the blonde as he came back from his dare of kissing mina. all these dares seemed to be suspiciously about kissing. the blonde grunted out in annoyance and looked around the class.

"what? you scared?" mina teased, knowing it will convince him to do the dare. "HUH!? I'M NOT SCARED RACCOON EYES!"

bakugou could tolerate very few things and being referred to as scared wasn't one of them. he glared at all those around the table. "don't you dare think you're better than me give me your worst." he retorted.

the other moved away and whispered to each other, now he was getting the feeling where he would regret his decision. they came back with smug smiles on their faces. "here's your dare...we dare you..." they stalled for dramatic affect. "FUCKING SPIT IT OUT!!"

"we dare you...to kiss (y/n)!"

"right now. in front of everyone." denki added evilly. it was a simple dare, sure, on an average day he would've done it but he seemed to freeze in his seat because of the person he had to kiss.


the girl that seemed to cloud his mind more then once a day, a few weeks ago he started to take mental notes of the girl, the way you got so nervous when you blushed or the way his smirk made your pupils dilated.

he had pushed down the feelings, thinking it was just hormones, not actually admitting anything, this was the girl that seemed to hate all men but then blushes because of bakugou? besides, he thought nothing would ever happen. "i can't, unlike you losers, i got more digity and respect for people in damned relationships."

"you didn't hear?" denki said surprised. "(y/n) and monoma broke up two weeks ago." now that was something, he looked at you who stood with deku, just chatting away while he looked over to the corner and saw monoma with his friends giving glares while eating. "why?"

"it was a quiet break up. many people don't really know, kendo said it to momo and then momo told me, momo has a feeling that you like (y/n), we both totally ship!"

"and you'd look so cute together." kirishima said while looking in your direction. "they were nothing special anyways." bakugou grunted as he stood up. now he really had no choice. he didn't know why but for some reason he was relieved? you and monoma had broken up. pretending like this was possibly the worst thing to ever happen to him he walked up to the table you were sitting at with deku and todoroki and so forth.

"make it long and wet bakubabe!." mina taunted. the blond would let her enjoy it while it lasted. bakugou pushed uraraka out of his way and grabbed you by the upper arm. "katsuki this really isn't the time..." (y/n) said while avoiding eye contact, all cute and nervous, but bakugou knew there was a fierceness there, knew rhat you had a freaky and dirty side. he hesitated only for a split second before pulling you closer, grabbing the other's face in his hands and smashing their lips together.

a banging was heard from a distance as collective gasps built up from the scene buy bakugou didn't care. your lips were softer then what he had imagined, they were smooth and would fit so perfectly against his. it took it further, if anything goes wrong he could always blame it on the dare. he wrapped his hand around your waist and forced his tongue deeper, the wetness of both of your mouths inviting each other.

he force himself to pull away, he's heat surging from the little kiss and causing a reaction in his crotch. he pulled away, only to have a string of saliva hanging from both yours and his bottom lip, he looked down at your flustered face. "katsu..." he swallowed and turned around to look at the group. "i did the fucking dare, are you happy?" his voice was low, in fear it was going to crack, he could feel himself getting flushed in the face.

they all nodded with wide eyes and anxious looks. "what extras?" he sneered. they pointed behind him and he turned to see you looking he was about to cry and then after that you would punch him straight in the jaw. "don't be like that, it was just a kiss." his voice was gruff.

you opened your mouth to day something but no words came out, you seemed to choked up to even say anything. bakugou chuckled and rolled his eyes. he placed a hand on your head and ruffled a bit of your hair. "stupid girl."

for the rest of the day bakugou could hardly concentrate, his mind was on the kiss and the person he had it with was right in front of him. the feeling teased him, it made him irritated. when the bell for the day's end rang, you bolted out of class but there was no way bakugou was giving up that easily.

he followed you at a distance, thinking about how he was going to approach this. this attraction has found a new ground ever since kissing you but he wasn't sure how to approach it without completely panicking and blowing up in your face.

you spent time in todoroki's room, bakugou sat in the common area waiting for you to walk out to go anywhere but his room. he grew more impatient waiting for you, he didn't know what to day when he does see you.

he checked the time and it was nearly five, surely you won't be that much longer. he heard a door open ahead and close, the girls bathroom. everyone else went out shopping or went to there dorms. he took a minute to get himself together before walking in to see (y/n), who was staring at herself in the mirror, to turn to look at the intruder that broke her train of thought.

they made eye contact for a full two seconds before (y/n) looked away. she shuffled nervously, preparing to try and slide out of the bathrooms without struggle.

"katsu this is the girls bath-"

"shut up and listen." the blond said managing not to snap, he clossed the door and locked it.

"this isn't the time or place to fight or tease me right now. " (y/n) said still avoiding eye contact but she was trying to look for an escape route. unfortunately, bakugou was just as alert as she was. bakugou smirked at the sight of the nervous girl in front of him, but he wanted go see the true freaky side of her. "and who said my teasing wouldn't be pleasurable?"

"i don't see why it would be, you seem like a sadist after all." (y/n) said coldly. "about that kiss...." he watched as (y/n)'s eyes gazed up to meet his. the pretty (e/c) orbs that always looked like they were reading his moves, thinking, calculating. why is he suddenly getting turned on by such a cute, and innocent looking face?

"it was a dare right? i'm sorry, i know i overreacted."

"was it just too good that your innocent little brain couldn't handle it, (y/n)?" he moved closer to observe the other's reaction. (y/n) flinched slightly, and took a few steps back, "stop flattering yourself katsu..."

"oh, was it just the thrill of that damned monoma bastard watching? you still crushing on him is that it? i bet he hated the fact that you kissed someone other then him." the thought of you still crushing on monoma made his blood boil for no reason. it wasn't like he was in love or anything like that, right? that would just be bullshit.

(y/n) felt herself touch the wall, there was literally no where to go, she had to stand there while bakugou seemed to tower over her. "katsu this isn't a discussion for the pair of us to have and you know it." she said, avoiding the other's eyes she tried to run but bakugou grabbed both her wrists and pinned them above her head and making her look up at him. she hated how a jolt of pleasure surged through her body at the rough treatment.

"don't run while i'm talking to you, you know i don't like that shit." bakugou said moving closer, there was barely a few inches between them and he wanted to give in. he brought his eyes down to your lips, the thought of someone else kissing them irked him. it was extremely irritating that he wasn't the first to kiss them. what if you were still crushing on monoma? but there was a tiny voice in his head, convincing him to change your mind.

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