♡ Pleasing Them - Steve/Clint

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"Damn it!" you mutter, not being able to reach the top shelf.

You were trying to put a box of supplies back in the gym med room, you had been going around filling all the first aid boxes up throughout the tower. You don't hear the door open or the footsteps that creep up behind you. The hands that run up your arms, on the other hand, scare the shit out of you. You try to turn but the hands hold yours up against the shelving, pinning you in place.

"Hey, doll" Steve whispers in your ear, making you roll your eyes.

"Steve, you ass. You scared the shit out of me" you push back against him, but he leans on you with a chuckle.

"You would think an Avenger would notice someone behind them" his hot breath moves the hair at your neck.

"Don't breathe on me" you try to stop yourself from sounding breathy but it doesn't work.

He spins you in his arms and his face presses into your neck, his hands gripping your hips tightly.

"Want me to kiss you instead?" his lips ghost over your skin.

"Steve, what the hell are you doing?" Clint's voice startles you out of the haze Steve had put you in.

"Talking," he says with a wink to you as he walks out.

"Y/n?" asks Clint.

"He was just messing around" You turn away but Clint spins you back.

His hand brushes hair back from your face, his eyes watching your reaction carefully as he steps in closer to you.

"Messing around, huh?" he asks and you nod.

"You know Steve likes to tease me" You turn back and toss the box on the shelf with a huff.

"And do you like that?" Clint sounds quiet when he asks.

"Why? Are you jealous?" you grin when his eyes sharpen on you.

He crowds into your space, your ass bouncing off the bench behind you. He leans in, his arms around your waist pinning you in place. His eyes move over your face and to your lips.

"I asked you a question" his lips brush your cheek near your ear.

"Who doesn't like to be flirted with?" you shrug and Clint grins.

"Good to know" he steps back with a wink, leaving you slightly confused by what just happened.


"Steve, you need to lay off y/n" Clint grabs a water and Steve smirks.

"Why? Am I getting to her? Or you?" he huffs a laugh as Clint glares at him.

"Look man, I like her. Like really like her and not just to flirt with" he tells Steve honestly.

"And so do I. I'm just more upfront about it" He shrugs and gets up from the seat he was on to stand in front of Clint.

"You actually like her?" Clint asks.

"Yeah," Steve watches Clint's face.

"Well, shit. What do we do about this because I'm not giving her up for you" Clint's eyes gleam.

"Well, neither am I" Steve argues back.

"Does she even like either of you?" Asks Sam with a grin.

Both Steve and Clint turn to look at him, their eyes clouded as they think about what he just said. Did she like either of them? Neither had really asked her or talked about how they felt. Both arrogantly assumed that she felt something for them. They look back at each other and frown.

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