❤️ Not Again! - Steve

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Aliens we're attacking Manhattan, and you had just fixed Steve's shield up. Again. You stood behind Maria as she watched all the news channels on the screens. So many people were gonna die and the Avengers were trying to stop it. You had already lost a good friend to Loki, Phil had always been nice to you. It had broken your heart when he died and now you stood watching as your other friends battled with pug-faced aliens.

There was cell phone footage and newsreels, the cameras that Shield was using. Fury had even hacked a few police body cams to get as much information as possible. And the good guys were winning, at least they had been until more of those flying things had turned up.

"Stop chewing your nails" Maria mumbles, eyes still glued to the screen.

"I can't help it, I just watched Nat jump on one of those glider things" You drop your hand though.

"She'll be fine" Maria presses a few buttons and a different point of view pops up.

You watch as the Hulk rips the aliens apart, Thor blasting his lightning into the sky. And Steve, his shield flying off in every direction as he battles away furiously. You frown as Tony blasts the Shields with his laser. That was gonna leave a mark that you would have to buff out later. It takes a long while but the Avengers finally win, Loki is taken away and the city tries to put itself back together.


You sit at your desk, buffing at Steve's shield. That man had no regard for shield maintenance. You mutter under your breath occasionally, the only good thing about his shield is that you never had to repair the damn thing. But blaster burns were not exactly easy to get out of either.

"Damn superheroes" You huff and dig out your handheld buffer.

You would have to repaint the damn thing as well. You had red, white and blue paint on backorder constantly for this reason. Of course, the shield was designed to be used but that didn't mean Steve shouldn't be careful with it. Or at least that's what you thought.

The scorch marks were harder to get off, you had to really lean into the buffer to clean them off. You had an idea to make the paint last longer as well. That is if Tony would let you. And he could get a hold of some vibranium for you.

"It should work" You hum under your breath, vibranium in liquid form mixed with paint might stop the design from actually coming off.


Steve watches you from the doorway, you were super cute mumbling under your breath. He knew it frustrated you that his shield got dinged up a lot. He really did try to be careful with it but needs must when he was fighting for his life.

His eyes trail up your legs and ass, moving over your back and long hair. You didn't wear a uniform like the rest, he was glad you didn't. Your ass looked great in a pair of tight blue cargo pants and the fitted t-shirt that hugged your curves. His hands curl up in response when your hips wiggle. You lean further over your desk to scrub more marks from his shield.

He watches as you flip it over, checking the straps carefully. You tug and test the strength of them.

"Not again" You huff and he smiles.

He was betting his arm grip had come free again. It was a recurring problem that you had complained to him about a few times.

"Damn it, Steve. You should have" He steps up behind you and flips you around.

"Should have what?" He smirks when you flush beautifully.

"Should have listened to me about the extender" You mumble.

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