❤️ Buddies - Steve

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"I wouldn't go near him, he's pissed and no one knows why" Nat shrugs as you both watch Steve beat the crap out of a punching bag.

"How long has he been at it?" you ask and wince when the bag flies off the chain.

"So far, bout two hours. That was his fifth bag" he hooks up another and starts again.

"And he hasn't said anything?" it wasn't unusual, Steve didn't talk about his problems much.

"Nope" Nat sighs and nudges you to come away.

"Steve doesn't cope like the rest of us. He bottles it up and explodes on the bags" Nat heads for the kitchen.

"Has Tony done anything? The last time he got like that was because Tony pissed him off" You ask.

"Tony isn't even here, he's away with Pepper" Nat hands you a coffee.

"Well we need to get him to tell us what's going on" you sip your drink and sit back.

"Not it" Nat grins and you roll your eyes.

"It looks like he's frustrated. But what frustrates the great and powerful Captain America?" Nat shrugs at you.

"Bad manners, swearing and when I try to set him up" She grins at you.

"You don't think he's... you know, sexually frustrated. Do you?" you grimace and Nat looks intrigued.

"It's a possibility. He's never gotten over Peggy though so I don't know what we would do about that. And I don't know if he would ever be up for casual sex" Nat suddenly grins at you.

"Why don't you go find out?" she chuckles when you pull a face.

"Because, one, he's never really warmed up to me, and, two, I don't feel like being his next punching bag" you snort at her.

"He would never hurt you. He might bluster a bit but that's it" she pulls your cup away.

You pull it back and glare at her.

"Why don't you go find out? You know him better than me" you take a sip so she can't grab for the cup again.

"Because he'll think I'm meadling in his life again" she argues.

"That's what you are doing" you point out.

"Besides, what would I even say? Hey Steve I'm worried about you and have you had sex lately? Hell no" you scrub at your neck in embarrassment.

"Well I wouldn't put it like that, no. Just be polite and ask him what his problem is" she points at the door.

"I not doing it Nat. Na way, no how"


You grumble as you head back down the corridor to the gym. You didn't even know how it happened, but you're on your way to talk to Steve. And you can still hear his grunts as he hits a bag repeatedly. You push the door open and stop dead in your tracks. He had taken his tshirt off and his muscles gleamed with sweat. He wipes his face down and grabs a bottle of water.

You blow out a breath, just watching his body flex and move. Holy hell, it was enough to make your panties wet. He was so fucking sexy, it was unreal. You needed to calm down if you were gonna talk to him, you couldn't go over there panting over how he looked. You quickly rub your thighs together, an ache had been building from just looking at him. You cough to get his attention, he turns to look but goes back to the bag without a word to you.

"Steve?" you try but he just ignores you.

You watch his arms ripple as he throws punch after punch. Another gush from your pussy but you keep moving.

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